unify your will, get what you want & become unstoppably magic in 14 weeks

    (without boredom, second-guessing, or ever again asking “is this all there is?”)

    If you’re a witch, healer, yogi, or radical truth-seeker who wants to…


    … feel wildly, joyfully, obscenely in love with yourself – including with the darkest, scariest parts

    unleash the full potency of your magic so you can influence the world and other people

    … be seen, heard, and known for your deepest gifts by your colleagues and community

    … have rich, electric connection in your partnership or dating life

    … draw in wealth to fund your deepest dreams

    … free your intuition and psychic power so you can feel confident in your navigation of the world…

    … then you probably already know that reality is fractal and holographic, and that small internal changes can lead to massive shifts in your “external” world.

    You know in your heart that your inner attitudes, thoughts, words, and actions make a real impact on the results you get in your day-to-day life.

    Yet you also realize that you have some frustrating patterns that keep repeating in your life, seemingly outside your conscious control. 

     You’ve heard that shadow integration, the deep acceptance of taboo desires and qualities, is crucial to becoming the most whole, powerful version of yourself.

    … and that it’s important to dissolve old limiting beliefs and patterns in order to re-shape your life.

    But you may not have yet learned an effective, reliable way to accomplish this dissolution.

    You probably already know that real, profound change doesn’t happen without you getting willing to understand yourself and your life in a whole new light.

    … you’ve likely already heard that “what you resist persists” and suspect that in order to really move forward, you need to learn how to radically approve of stuff that you’ve previously felt shame, guilt, or resentment about.

    Here’s what you might not yet know

    When you become willing to kinkily, erotically enjoy the painful parts of your life experience, then you become capable of receiving so much more “good stuff” from life…

    … because with this willingness you’ve expanded the level of sensation that you’re willing to truly feel and savor without rejection, worry, or disapproval.

    Think about a time when something really, really good happened to you.

    Wasn’t it sensational? Didn’t it make your heart race, your cheeks flush?

    Imagine how you would feel if tomorrow you were handed a check for ten million dollars, or you suddenly created a masterpiece of art, or you fell head-over-heels in love with your partner all over again.

    It would be a lot to deal with, wouldn’t it?

    You’d probably be “bowled over” and need time alone to take deep breaths and process all the emotion and sensation flooding your system with the arrival of this “good stuff.”

    Well, receiving new levels of amazing “good stuff'” is always very, very sensational, to the point that we humans often unconsciously refuse new “good stuff” in our lives…

    … simply because it falls outside the range of intensity that we’re able to be present with, that we’re able to enjoy and interpret as pleasure.

    In other words, we unconsciously reject good things that are more sensational than our “havingness level” will allow.

    The best way to end this pattern of unconsciously sabotaging or rejecting sensational new good things is to learn how to greatly expand the range of sensation that you can enjoy and be present with, including sensations and situations that your mind currently judges as “painful,” “bad” or “dangerous.”

    Your mind is made up of more than the thoughts you consciously think… and the unconscious part of your mind, which is potentially a source of great wisdom, is just as important (if not more important) than your conscious mind.

    Most people suffer from a deep conflict between their conscious and their unconscious desires.

    You see this all the time: people say they want one thing, then they do another.  

    How many of your friends say they want to be in a great relationship, but they choose to date jerks over and over?

    In cases like these, a person’s unconscious desires (for drama, rejection, pain, betrayal) conflict with their conscious desires for sweet romance and togetherness.

    This dissonance between intention (“to have a great relationship”) and result (“spending all my time with jerks”) happens because their unconscious will secretly wants something other than what their conscious will wants.

    And the unconscious desires always win.

    The key to getting what you want in all parts of your life, is to learn how to unify the will of your conscious and unconscious minds.

    The question of how to accomplish this unification has always been so mysterious that most people never figure it out, and the ones who do have been honored as shamans, healers, alchemists, witches, and magicians.

    All magic – in all cultures, all around the world – all ritual, meditation, use of plant medicine, music, dancing, spell-casting – involves creating communion between the conscious (ordinary, egoic) will and the unconscious (divine, Underworld, faery, daemonic, angelic) will.  

    Unifying your conscious & unconscious wills can:

    1. Land your dream job & let you command higher rates

    Learning to consciously direct the power buried in your unconscious mind can unveil your natural talents & sources of fulfillment. Even if you’re happy with the job that you have, a unified will can bring you much more prestige and influence within that position.

    2. Significantly boost your love life

    When you unify your will, you open up your ability to be truly intimate, to be attracted to partners and lovers that are exciting and loving (versus abusive and dramatic), and to drop the compulsion of sabotaging a good thing. You discover that new lovers easily reveal themselves in your life, and find that long-term relationships which have turned luke-warm can become hot and passionate once more.

    3. Transform your relationship with your body

    We habitually injure our health by using substances and behaviors as compensations for how wronged and wrong we feel.
 When you unify your will, you experience a degree of internal freedom from guilt and resentment that can drastically increase your ability to engage in life in a way that’s more healthful and strengthening for you.

    4. Make everyday vibrate with the pulse of magic & shocking synchronicity

    New upwards spiral of positive synchronicity in your life appear when your conscious and unconscious minds sexually (magically) merge & fertilize each other.

    Even though the reasons to unify you will are totally clear, without experienced guidance the path to actually doing it is very obscure.

    As we just mentioned, the work of unification has long been the province of magic and alchemy, which can be massively difficult subjects to master alone.

    Unlock the power of my unconscious mind? Become an unstoppable force of nature? I’m in!

    But, you might say to yourself, where do I even start…

    You wake up in the morning with a heavy, constricted feeling of boredom and dread whose origin you can’t pinpoint.

    You’ve had a lot of success in your life, things are good, people care about you – so you wonder what is this dull, tired, flat feeling?

    You go through your day, checking off items on your to-do list, showing up for your work and your family and friends, giving great empathy and advice to other people (that they tell you they’re grateful for!)…

    …. but all the while feeling a bit like a “fraud” because you’re bored with yourself, you don’t feel fully expressed or received, you don’t feel totally alive and happy —

    — and you know you’re capable of greater fulfillment, spirituality, and creativity but you don’t know exactly how to “get there.”

    You know on some level that if you allow this condition to continue you’ll feel even more restless, and you might even push away the people closest to you, taking out your frustration on people who don’t deserve it.

    If you don’t find a deep new solution to this feeling of being bored, unsatisfied, and not-fully-expressed-or-received you might sink into a depression…

    … you might over-indulge in food or drugs or shopping, you might get really resentful of even the “good” things in your world and burn it all down.

    You might find yourself visiting the social media profiles of old flames, contemplating having an affair in order to try to recover your excitement in life…

    You might think about walking away from what you’ve already built, leaving your community and career, moving to the other side of the world and starting over from the ground-up….

    … but in your heart you just know there has to be a better, more direct and honest way of achieving the fulfillment and transformation that you’re hungry for without destroying what you already have.

    Here’s why most people abandon the process of transforming their life…

    Without a superclear, step-by-step roadmap towards unifying their will, even smart, high-achieving women get lost.

    They fall victim to paralyzing emotional hang-ups and self-defeating habits.

    A lack of immediate results makes them lose steam after a couple weeks.

    And here’s why this is so crippling:

    As an already busy woman with important work to do in the world, a family to pay attention to, a full podcast docket, and that supposedly important 30-minutes of exercise a day…

    … you literally can’t afford to waste time.

    And the moment you don’t see results in such an amorphous concept as “shadow work” or “soul integration” other things easily pop onto your schedule that are urgent and important to do today.

    And with all of the “should’s” and “have to’s” that make up your day, your inner transformation work needs to be quick, fun, and not leave you raw and exhausted.

    Lucky for you, a cutting-edge process of unifying your conscious and unconscious wills has been recently discovered ….

    … it’s called Existential Kink, and it’s a rapid, energizing, and highly pleasurable practice that you can realistically do (and actually look forward to doing) on a daily basis.

    4 Myths that are Absolutely Blocking You from Becoming an Unstoppable Witch Force

    1. “This pattern is not my fault… I’m the victim here!”

    Your awareness, in conjunction with the collective, creates your reality. Even with the influence of collective forces, your inner orientation has a massive impact on your personal experience.

    However, unless we’re consistently doing work to uncover what’s in our unconscious, the personal reality that we’re creating can be driven by the dark, taboo parts of ourselves that we’ve repressed into our unconscious mind.

    The exciting opportunity here is that once you make your unconscious conscious, and fully embrace and delight in your previously-unconscious desires… you will be able to access the full breadth of your power & direct the unfolding of your life.

    2. “I can’t realistically do shadow work / self integration on a regular basis with my schedule.”

    Most shadow work practices that my students have taken part in before Existential Kink are exhausting & inefficient. Most shadow work is about “accepting” the dark ugly parts of you. In my experience, “acceptance” is nowhere close to being enough. The work we do in FORCE OF NATURE is about orgasmically reveling in your shadow desires & fulfillments. The process will leave you energized, tapped into your power, and shocked by the speed of your transformation.

    3. “If I only focus on the positive, then eventually my wildest dreams will come true!”

    Obsessively focusing on what your ego (conscious mind) wants & ignoring the troubling circumstances that your unconscious will generates is a major obstacle in manifestation. In fact, it’s one that leaves many would-be magicians in a weak and infantile condition. Desire (including your kinky unconscious desire for lack, pain, & rejection) evolves through fulfillment & celebration, not through denial and repression.

    4. “Some people are born unstoppable & powerful… I’m not one of them.”

    Every human is born with the capacity to be an unstoppable force of nature. It’s your birth-right. And just as a hurricane doesn’t question whether it “deserves” to blow, and a tiger doesn’t wonder if it’s “worthy” of killing an antelope… as you step into your truth as a Force of Nature you will no longer question your worthiness to accomplish what you want.

    I’m going to let you in on a Little Secret...

    Even though unifying your conscious & unconscious mind is 100% possible for anyone & has been done all over the world using long process of shadow work, soul retrieval, sacred plant dieting, and certain therapy modalities…

    … most people miss the boat on how to do it rapidly and pleasurably.

    The main reason for this, as you’ve likely seen by now, is that many believe that if only they think positively enough…

    If they talk it out consistently with their journal or with a professional…

    … then eventually “it” will just work itself out.

    And often “it” does, in just a few short decades! (yikes)

    But with the right roadmap, the path is paved for you to start magically getting exactly what you want, in a matter of months rather than years.

    This correct process is a unique, little-known process of emotional alchemy derived from both depth psychology and Hermetic occult philosophy

    … called Existential Kink.

    …. The Existential Kink process and philosophy, minutely applied to every area of life, allows you to unify your will, nurture richer relationships, create more wealth, feel better in your body, and make a big impact while reveling in the magic of a delightfully synchronous life.

    And with your permission, that’s what I’d LOVE to show you how to do.

    Introducing… FORCE OF NATURE

    a life-changing 14-week online intensive for unifying your will, getting what you want & becoming unstoppably magic



    enrollment closes June 23rd at midnight


    Want to be an unstoppable force of nature in your life and magic?

    It’s possible to radically embrace and heal your unconscious, hidden shadow desires…

    … (for scarcity, limitation, lack of all kinds) in every area of your life…

    … so that you can fully embody your in-born capacity for deep magic and greatness.

    FORCE OF NATURE is a 14-week immersion in doing just that, with live virtual meetings …

    … and in-depth, mind-melting material unlike anything you’ll find anywhere else.

    An intelligent, proven approach to radical change

    featuring Existential Kink, a rapid approach to shadow integration – with guided, in-depth applications for all arenas of life: romantic relationships; wealth, career, and business; body image and health; creativity and contribution; family life, grief, and wounds; intuition, magic, and divination; and finally, my favorite… nondual awareness (AKA enlightenment)

    The power to receive what you most deeply want, so that you can fulfill your purpose in the world

    This ain’t Renaissance Faire magic or Law of Attraction fluff. This is a profound paradigm and process shift that gives you a fruitful way of transforming every dimension of your experience for the better.

    Designed by an acclaimed teacher with a rich intellectual background

    I’m not too modest to let you know: I earned a PhD in Critical and Cultural studies from the University of Pittsburgh, where I taught for 7 years and received accolades. Since I left the university to teach independently online, over 2000 people have participated in my online courses on magic and have praised my teaching skill and talent for grounding far-out concepts in a solid and accessible context. If you scroll down below, you’ll see excerpts from those over-2000 testimonials.

    Unleash the force of nature that you are

    Principles of ancient hermeticism and witchcraft applied in a modern psychological context end long-standing negative patterns, making it possible for you to be much more effective and happy in your life by changing your relationship to the taboo.

    Concrete, no-nonsense instruction in uniting your will (the primary task of practical magic) so that you’re never lost in self-doubt again

    The work of “uniting the will,” also known as “the unio mentalis” – is the foundation of both successful magic and alchemy which most occult books and courses (let alone mainstream self-help) never address. Once you understand how to do this, you’ll be light-years ahead of the curve when it comes to expanding your consciousness and fulfilling your dreams.

    Stretch outside your comfort zone

    The insights and exercises in FORCE OF NATURE will stretch you in all the right ways, so you can drop old conditioning and contact the raw electricity of your own power.

    So if you’re ready to finally become an unstoppable FORCE OF NATURE without having to sacrifice your first-born, sign up for another decade of therapy, or chant mantras until you’re blue in the face, here’s how we’ll get you there:


    … is the first program of its kind that equips you with a cutting-edge process of integration that can be used again and again to open up your horizons of possibility and dramatically transform the inner and outer circumstances of your life.

    FORCE OF NATURE busts the myths that “positive thinking” is the fastest route to positive change, that dark or taboo subjects are best ignored, that you’re only worthy of growth and expansion if you’re “good.”

    When you have a fun, fast, and effective method of expanding your range of sensation and integrating your unconscious desires, then you’re unstoppable

    When you have an experienced teacher and a supportive community helping you do this deep, strange work, then you don’t have to flounder on your own, you can experience rapid transformation

    real student results: money + career

    selected quotes from the over-two-thousand people whose lives have already been positively changed by FORCE OF NATURE + the revolutionary practice, Existential Kink (known as “EK” for short)

    “EK brought out my love of feeling unwanted and victimized which I was able to get off on and then soon after a few sessions the anxiety started to wane. After a couple of weeks I started getting recognition for all kinds of work and now everyone is telling me how much the boss loves me. My team has grown, giving me more resources to handle the work load. My confidence is high and I am now able to properly think about my work and get great results and enjoy the experience of my career.

    Michelle Bradley

    “I was having tremendous stresses over the events of my life, involving both my choices of the past, the ongoing stress of my job, and other peoples choices around me which I was having difficulty coming to terms with. The shift in my mindset and attitude has directly affected my resiliency, my joyousness, and my understanding of how things work in general. My shift in Attitude and mindset has resulted in a better workplace for other people around me, better interactions with my patients, my supervisors at work are no longer worried about me and are instead pleased and smiling and nodding their heads at me again. When my coworkers asked me how I have done it, I tell them about my inner sadist and my cheerleaders, and a couple have been interested enough that I tell them I am taking an online course that teaches the technique of Existential Kink, which of course they are fascinated to hear about. I consider all this a work in progress, and I’m looking forward to applying my unified will in the future.”

    Annie How

    I was extremely unhappy in my job; I dreaded getting up in the morning to go to work and longed for change and more income to facilitate change. Since signing up for Force of Nature, I have started several forms of passive income. Most exciting of all, my husband and I are building a tiny home on wheels and we are hitting the road! May the wind take us where it will!”

    Noelle Morris

    Before joining FORCE OF NATURE I somehow found Carolyn’s DFI practice and I loved that I idea. I was in the middle of a program launch so I picked a number that was doable but bigger than I was thinking and BAM – I hit that number plus $22 for my launch. (that was freaky!) So I signed up when I had the opportunity! In April, I did a 2nd launch of my first program plus I offered a continuing program for the people in my first launch. My goal was to double my first launch sales. When I went to do a DFI, for some reason I added $10K to my goal number. I exceeded that number by $677 – wow!

    Fiona Orr

    “At the beginning of the course I was hiding my recent joblessness from my irritating tenant, whom I’d already asked to move out. I’d leave my house at the time I usually left for work and not return until I was expected home. The first major shift from EK practice was reconciling with the tenant so that we parted on friendly terms. That month, handfuls of money showed up unexpectedly to keep me afloat financially and then I landed the job I wanted most – working in almost an identical capacity and being paid significantly more for it! I had to take a break from Force of Nature while I started my new job, because the new job hours & learning-curve was a lot for me to handle. Now, as I am working through the assignments for lessons 3 & 4, I am realizing the density of my guilt & resentment. It’s made me a lot more humble. I am being a better friend, a kinder coworker and I’m taking more responsibility over my finances.

    Carter Tracy

    “I didn’t feel very grounded, and I definitely didn’t feel like I was able to fully express myself in my business and in other areas of my life too. Throughout this process, I have learned to more fully be myself in every area of my life, and that has definitely changed my business in big ways. I’ve since rebranded, gotten really clear on what I do and who I help, and my revenue is increasing monthly!

    Jennifer Cochrane

    “Before FORCE OF NATURE I felt divided within myself – or unwhole. I could feel myself painfully outgrowing the operatics of my life… and was realizing I was at odds with myself and my lovely, queer inner demon. Concretely my life is now in a more constant flow state, I took a leap with starting my own business finally (and started bringing in new contracts / clients), and generally there’s just a f*ck-ton more joy in my life.”

    Katherine Grasso

    I literally charge 25% more for my work than when I started the course and I haven’t even finished it yet.

    Maria Smith

    “Before the course started I was feeling a lot of shame and self doubt about doing what I’ve wanted to, and felt called to do, for years now – of course I didn’t realize that until the course started and I actually looked at my relationship with shame. I was wanting to teach people about mindfulness and coach them to live happier and healthier lives. I now have a group of four women who I’ve worked with twice already and will continue to work with as well as a gig to teach a mindfulness workshop at an event.”

    Lucy MacNaught

    “I was feeling unhappy and stuck in my job going in the course. I felt like it was not aligned with my purpose, but at the same time I make fairly decent money, have a nice title and have the perk of staying home with my son two days a week. Now, I no longer have that feeling of dissatisfaction. I’ve been learning to hone in on the aspects of my job that I enjoy while delegating tasks I dislike. I’m also taking more breaks and days off, and I’m somehow completing the same job that once took 50+ hours a week in about 30 hours.

    Renee Greene

    Here’s what’s included in FORCE OF NATURE

    Lesson 1: Getting Started with Existential Kink

    • How the work of becoming a force of nature is connected to what the alchemists called the Great Work (AKA the process of enlightenment, awakening, initiation, or “becoming whole”
    • Commit to a witchy, feminine path to enlightenment that’s quite a bit different than the more publicly vaunted, masculine routes of asceticism, contemplation, and yogic saintliness, so that you can make your own fate.
    • The Sexual Process that is pulsing through all magic & the big opportunity of Existential Kink
    • The 6 Axioms of Existential Kink that are the foundation to the profound change of becoming a Force of Nature

    Lesson 2: Transforming Your Romantic Relationships

    • How your romantic relationships habitually show up as your relationship with your parents unless you do deep unconscious work
    • The fictional ways that we perceive humans beings that are limiting you from being utterly thrilled and delighted to be you
    • Learn the real cause of unhappiness
    • How we act like hungry ghosts in love & the simple solution
    • An investigating exercise that will reveal your negative relationship patterns
    • The top inquiry practices that will drill into any “problem” so that every Existential Kink session will lead to profound insight, including the Elliott Method of Inquiry
    • How to focus your Existential Kink efforts on your romance and intimacy issues

    Lesson 3: Wealth Tantra
 & Upping Your Havingness Level

    • Choosing a specific aim as a way to measure your progress: you can’t know how far you are from “success” unless you’re clear on what “success” will look like.

    • Why we consistently turn ourselves off & how to turn ourselves on to a life of high sensations
    • The Havingness Growth Practice & Getting clear on where and when you turn yourself off
    • Connecting with your Deepest Fears so that you can get out of your own way

    Lesson 4: Health, Body Image & the Poison Path

    • Understanding the true power of our incarnation & the invitation to command our full creative freedom in life
    • Melting “Reality” & Re-membering the future
    • Increasing your internal freedom from guilt and resentment so that you can drastically increase your ability to freely engage in life in a way that’s more healthful and strengthening for you by employing “The Cheerleaders”
    • Transforming the energy of pain and suffering into the energy of compassion, togetherness, and love for personal and global healing
    • Using the Solar Heart Contemplation as a reliable method of a positive emotional “state change”

    Lesson 5: Liberating Your Creativity

    • Accepting destruction and anger in your creative process
    • The essence of the Samekh path on the Qabalistic Tree of Life & its path to the highest level of magical enlightenment
    • The magic of making one’s sadism conscious through loving and admiring it to remove the unconscious drive to manufacture more pain for yourself and others.
    • Deliberately consenting to your previously-unconscious “operating instructions” to liberate the psychic energy that we’ve been expending our whole lives to keep them covert (instead of sneakily governing your experience forever).
    • Making space and time to honor that sadistic part of you, to affirm the dictates of the Inner Villain, the Inner Mean Gollum in their full glory through “Reverse Psychology Affirmations.”

    Lesson 6: Removing Blocks to Intuition

    • Understanding the difference between psychic ability and limiting self-centered delusions
    • The Holy Guardian Angel and the Transcendent Function as the masterwork of individuation gradually revealed to you in the uniquely lovable personality of your own Anima / Animus / Holy
    • Guardian Angel … as expressed through dreams, visions, divinations, and synchronicities.
    • The Big EK:
 Surrendering to The World
    • Deep surrender for more whole (and wholesome) access to the astral plane, the reflective lunar unconscious, the realm of electromagnetic forces and forms that shape physical reality.

    • Working with tarot for synchronicity, divination & reflecting the unconscious.

    Lesson 7: Existential Kink & Nondual Enlightenment

    • “Making the unconscious, conscious” through becoming personally aware of just how non-personal and inter-dependent all experience is.
    • Welcoming both the good & the scary to end up with the “scary good” – a wealth of life & color & love so bountiful it can be threatened by nothing, not even failure and toxicity and death.
    • Switching from feeling “forced to play the game” to joyously consciously playing the game.
    • Connecting to unconditional grace through a deep, dark contemplation.

    Plus these 3 Exclusive Bonuses

    Bonus 1: Existential Kink Troubleshooting Guide

    Does the idea of finding pleasure in things you “don’t like” about your life freak you out?

    Have you been through INFLUENCE and you still haven’t groked the whole EK process?

    Then this guide is for you…

    Some of the EK difficulties solved in this Troubleshooting Guide:

    • “I just don’t get it. No part of me likes any of the shitty situations in my life. I just don’t.”
    • “I get it that ‘having is evidence of wanting’ but I just can’t seem to find the part of me that wants or enjoys XYZ.”
    • “I think I’m getting off to some degree, but it’s not a full release.”

    Bonus 2: Private Members-Only Facebook Group

    This is an intentional group of people committed transforming their lives through Existential Kink as rapidly and completely as possible.

    This is a highly focused, tight-knit group of practical magicians where you’ll find loving support to EVERY hangup you have in your Self Integration process.

    • Tap into the collective knowledge, experience, and insight of hundreds of witches, healers, yogis, and light workers
    • Quickly troubleshoot any little (or big) hang up in a matter of minutes so that you never get stuck longer than you have to
    • Get an alternative perspective on any sticky situation that pops up
    • Form valuable friendships with like-minded individuals that are also on the Left-Hand Path towards enlightenment

    Bonus 3: 7 Live Q&A Sessions with EK Expert Crystal Woodling for Troubleshooting & Clarity

    Every month, you’ll have access to get all your FORCE OF NATURE and Existential Kink questions answered by Crystal Woodling, my trusted covenmate, astrologer, & co-teacher of EARTH.

    Each 60-minute call will be held on CrowdCast, for you to join from the comfort of your own home. Replays will be available within 24 hours if you can’t make it live.

    real student results: love + relationships

    selected quotes from the over-two-thousand people whose lives have already been positively changed by FORCE OF NATURE + the revolutionary practice, Existential Kink (known as “EK” for short)

    My marriage was rocky going into the course. We’d been in counseling for a few months and things had been getting better, but I still resented the shit out of my husband and felt like a put-upon victim of his narcissism. He and my family were also at odds. In our counseling sessions, I realized that I was actually being very two-faced. Through EK, I realized how much I love playing the role of the helpless victim, making someone out to be the big, bad meanie who wants to control me and bitching about the situation to family and friends. I noticed how I’ve been repeating this pattern in many relationships throughout my life. Once I got off on this, I stopped blaming my husband for my unhappiness and realized I had the power to change. Thanks to this shift, I saw my husband in a new light and we were able to rekindle our romance. I’ve also learned to stop complaining about him to others and to stop complaining/gossiping about others in general.”

    Renee Green

    “It happened right in the beginning, during lesson one. I had a lightning stroke of insight, almost as if for a blink, I was one with myself and whatever needed to be part of this. The following days, I noticed how lids were blown off areas of my life that I thought were screwed in place and rusted down. Holy crap-ola! From throwing off the burden of abusive family relationships, to being pursued by multiple people, to having orgasmic sex pretty much whenever I like, to easily shedding weight and feeling and looking better than I have since… my early twenties, perhaps?? I laughingly threw myself into this new abundance, and I’ve still only done lesson one! I wonder, if I continue, whether other areas of my life will boom in a similar fashion as my love life..”

    Barby Bell

    My relationship with my husband has deepened because of the interrupted patterns, i.e. we won’t be having that same fight for the 1000th time because I’ve stepped out of the pattern and reacted with sovereignty, pure magic.”

    Dakota Keene

    “Before FORCE OF NATURE, I was feeling disconnected in my relationships. Although I’d created the relationships (both friendship and romantic) I wanted, I wasn’t able to fully connect intimately within them. I felt distant and removed. Doing EK work, particularly around romantic and sexual patterns, completely transformed all of my close relationships and has allowed me to connect on significantly deeper, truer levels.

    Anita Billings

    “Before FORCE OF NATURE I was experiencing health issues in particular. My health has greatly improved and the health issue I worked on for this course is gone and I am experiencing more self love than I can ever remember.”

    Sam Thompson

    “I was having tremendous stresses over the events of my life, involving both my choices of the past, the ongoing stress of my job, and other peoples choices around me which I was having difficulty coming to terms with. The shift in my mindset and attitude has directly affected my resiliency, my joyousness, and my understanding of how things work in general. My shift in Attitude and mindset has resulted in a better workplace for other people around me, better interactions with my patients, my supervisors at work are no longer worried about me and are instead pleased and smiling and nodding their heads at me again. When my coworkers asked me how I have done it, I tell them about my inner sadist and my cheerleaders, and a couple have been interested enough that I tell them I am taking an online course that teaches the technique of Existential Kink, which of course they are fascinated to hear about. I consider all this a work in progress, and I’m looking forward to applying my unified will in the future.”

    Annie How

    “I was feeling, before taking this course, a weakness of drive and a rudderlessness in direction. Since working the course, I can feel my energy and drive coming back on-line. I am more decisive and confident than I have ever been in my life. I trust myself and the power that is attempting to move through me and my life.

    Laila Johnson

    real student results: magic + meaning

    selected quotes from the over-two-thousand people whose lives have already been positively changed by FORCE OF NATURE + the revolutionary practice, Existential Kink (known as “EK” for short)

    “Existential Kink helped me enjoy myself a lot more and give meaning to life, or even more meaning to life than I will ever understand and especially the fun factor of it – it’s exciting and juicy fun.”

    Marion Cardamone

    “I admit that I am still learning to celebrate and ‘get off’ on the fuck-ups instead of the old knee-jerk reaction of disappointment. It’s definitely a mind-twister but OH MY GOD it such an exponentially more fun and fulfilling way to go through life!

    Michelle Lewis

    “Before FORCE OF NATURE I felt like there were pieces missing, I had all of this knowledge and experience but I was really struggling to ground it and make it practical and actionable (which I’m all about). Today I feel like I have a full treasure chest of new tools that are practical and actionable and the magic and synchronicity that I have been able to open myself up to have been amazing.

    Sheena Witter

    “I was preparing for my first solo exhibit at a major art museum and trying to figure out WHAT’S NEXT? I was experiencing a lot of imposter syndrome, and wondering what was supposed to be next for me. As I commit more and more to the actual exercises in the course, I realize the beauty and power of admitting I am not who I think I am, getting to know who I actually am, and loving that monster with all my might. You can’t have imposter syndrome if you deeply love and appreciate being an imposter!”

    Anna Biggs

    Join FORCE OF NATURE today & get…

    Here’s what you’re getting when you enroll today:

    • The Complete FORCE OF NATURE Online Intensive Program – $1997 Value

    • Bonus 1: Existential Kink Troubleshooting Guide  – $97 Value

    • Bonus 2: Private, Members Only Facebook Group for 14 Weeks of Community + Accountability – $297 Value

    • Bonus 3: 7 Live Q&A Sessions with EK Expert Crystal Woodling for Troubleshooting & Clarity  – $997 Value

    Total Value: $3388

    When you add it all up, that’s a value of $3388

    But when you enroll today, you’ll get access to everything for just:

    enrollment closes June 23rd at midnight

    What people asked before signing up for FORCE OF NATURE

    How is the intensive delivered?

    As soon as you sign up for FORCE OF NATURE you will receive a Welcome Email with links to the private Facebook community, and an introductory lesson.

    The 7 lessons of FORCE OF NATURE will be sent out every other Monday in audio & PDF form. They are available for you to download & read & listen to again and again!

    Lesson 1 of the intensive will arrive in your email inbox on the morning of Monday, June 24th. Subsequent Lessons will be sent out every other Monday morning.

    The dates for the Lessons being sent out are as follows:

    Monday, June 24th – Lesson 1
    Monday, July 8th – Lesson 2
    Monday, July 22nd – Lesson 3
    Monday, August 5th – Lesson 4
    Monday, August 19th – Lesson 5
    Monday, September 9th – Lesson 6
    Monday, September 23rd – Lesson 7

    There will also be live class meetings every other Thursday night via webinar, which will also be recorded and sent out via email the day following the live class meetings.

    The dates of the live class meetings are as follows:

    Thursday, June 27th at 7 pm Eastern
    Thursday, July 11th at 7 pm Eastern
    Thursday, July 25th at 7 pm Eastern
    Thursday, August 8th at 7 pm Eastern
    Thursday, August 22nd at 7 pm Eastern
    Thursday, September 12th at 7 pm Eastern
    Thursday, September 26th at 7 pm Eastern

    Crystal will be leading the Q&A every other week for the entire intensive.

    And don’t worry if you can’t make it live… we will email you the replay within 24-hours to watch in your own time!

    How much does it cost?

    The cost of the course is about the same as a weekend getaway. To be precise, the cost of the course is about $997 (payable in full or in the accessible 6 monthly payments of $197)- which could be $997 that gets you transportation, hotel, and meals for a few days…

    … or it could be $997 that purchases a guided learning experience that can rock the very foundations of your world for the way-better. Up to you ;)

    What if I can't afford that?

    Alas, I do not offer scholarships as I believe in the fulfillment of digging deep to find the resources to get what you really want…

    ….and humans have been known to often find ingenious ways of scrounging up an extra $197 a month for something they really, actually want.

    So – I believe you can figure it out. If you truly can’t or don’t want to, I understand – and I have a great book that can help you get started positively shifting things in your life – it’s called Awaken Your Genius and it’s about $10 in the Amazon Kindle store.

    Is it silly for me to invest this much money in a magical / self-development course on the internet?

    Actually, it’s very silly not to invest substantial amounts of money in learning how to vastly expand your capacity to inhabit and direct your innate, previously-unconscious power…

    … especially since this kind of learning has the potential to radically expand your career possibilities and income for the rest of your life.

    The amount of money you invest in taking FORCE OF NATURE can easily yield you a 20-fold, 50-fold, or 100-fold return on investment when you apply what you learn in the intensive to your career / business / financial life (as it already has for many people, see testimonials).

    How do I know if this is right for me?

    This works for humans who have curious, open minds and a willingness to try something strange, sexy, magic and new. If that describes you, then it can absolutely work for you.

    If you’re a grounded, self-responsible adult who is willing to look deeply at your own experience through the “infinite freaky game of pretend” lens (see my recent email with that subject line) – FORCE OF NATURE can be very right for you.

    If you are not a grounded, self-responsible adult, I strongly urge you to not sign up for this course, as I am a witch on the internet and an occult teacher, not a therapist, and not available to personally usher you through trying moments.

    You may realize things in the process of doing this work with your unconscious that are startling and unsettling.

    So to learn emotional alchemy in this online intensive format it’s important that you be a self-responsible adult who can adequately take care of yourself / reach out to trusted friends / see an in-the-flesh counselor when deep things come up.

    If you don’t currently have that kind of stability or trusted resources in your life, then again – I strongly suggest that you do not attempt this work in this format at this time.

    How much time does FORCE OF NATURE take?

    A couple of hours every two weeks to digest the Lesson, and then up to an hour a day of practicing Existential Kink meditation and associated tools of integration (though you may want to do just 15 minutes or 30 minutes — everyone has a different appetite).

    We’ll also have live class meetings twice a month via Crowdcast, which will be recorded in case you can’t attend live.

    There’s no disguising that this emotional alchemy thing takes actual effort, and involves diving into uncomfortable territory.

    I'm really busy... Will I have time to do this?

    If what you’re doing when you’re “busy” isn’t delighting your soul and filling your body with electricity, your “busy-ness” is nothing more than a distraction, a way of avoiding doing the deep work & play that you were born to do.

    Everyone can spare less than an hour a day to devote to their own development and integration as a human being. If you can’t or you’re unwilling to make an hour a day for this, you’re living the life of a slave or of a cog in a machine.

    How do I know it will work?

    I have 2000 glowing testimonials regarding the efficacy of Existential Kink (the primary practice in FORCE OF NATURE) in my files…you can find some of them in the quotes section above and below.

    But basically, you can’t know until you dive in. 

    Luckily, FORCE OF NATURE does have a 14-day no questions asked refund policy.

    This gives you the opportunity to fully consume lesson 1, practice Existential Kink everyday for 2 weeks, and experience the support of the private Facebook community.

    From teaching over 2000 students, and watching the incredible transformations that they have made for themselves, I am 100% committed to FORCE OF NATURE efficacy and potency…

    … and when you commit to the daily practices then you can experience rapid transformation for the better.

    If however, you are not 100% satisfied with FORCE OF NATURE, simply contact us at badwitcheseditor@gmail.com within 14 days of purchase and we’ll give you a full refund.

    What's your refund policy?

    FORCE OF NATURE has a 14-day no questions asked refund policy.

    This gives you the opportunity to fully consume lesson 1, practice Existential Kink everyday for 2 weeks, and experience the support of the private Facebook community.

    From teaching over 2000 students, and watching the incredible transformations that they have made for themselves, I am 100% committed to FORCE OF NATURE efficacy and potency…

    … and when you commit to the daily practices then you can experience rapid transformation for the better.

    If however, you are not 100% satisfied with FORCE OF NATURE, simply contact us at badwitcheseditor@gmail.com within 14 days of purchase and we’ll give you a full refund.

    This all seems too good to be true... Is this a scam?

    The delightful positive “external” outcomes that hundreds of other FORCE OF NATURE participants have experienced (like tripling income, breaking through creative blocks, starting or re-igniting deep romances) are very real, and they’re simply the logical result of accomplishing a profound level of inner integration using a simple, proven, innovative method.

    Miraculous transformation is your birth-right, it’s very possible, it’s just that the route to this level of change has been obscured by centuries of ignorance and repression of magic.

    How long exactly will it take before I see the big shift in my life that I want?

    Well, the intensive involves 7 lessons regarding the various arenas of life, with 2 weeks spent focused on each arena.

    Some folks will be ready to “pop” and will see an immediate, profound beneficial shift in their emotions and attitudes within just 2 weeks of working a given arena of their lives…

    … after a “pop” and a deep change in emotion and attitude, it usually takes between 1 – 3 months for the external world (“the slow-moving mirror” as I like to call it) to catch up with you and reflect outer positive circumstances that match your inner positive change.

    For others, or on some stubborn subjects, the process is less linear, and takes longer.

    For example, like me you may have a quick “pop” or “flip” in the financial arena of your life, but you might find you have to spend a lot longer untangling another region of “stuff” before the “flip” happens for you.

    It took me only a few weeks to drastically shift my money pattern, but it took me about a year of trying to “get off” on my shadow pattern of being attracted to unavailable men and unwinding my layers of shame and fear with Existential Kink before I arrived at the big “aha!” that made it possible for me to find my life partner.

    Which sucks and was annoying — and yet – once I did figure out the precise angle that I needed to use to “get off” — the change has been huge and lasting, so I consider the wait and effort to be totally worth it.

    The good news is, the FORCE OF NATURE intensive will equip you with the tools that you need to do this longer-term work on your “sticky places” effectively and wisely –

    And you’ll be benefiting from all the “shortcuts” I’ve figured out in working with my own angles and those of others over the years.

    But basically: your experience of change in any given arena could be really fast or it could be slow – the individual factors are too many to know.

    Still, Existential Kink is much more rapid than the older Jungian approach to shadow integration (which could take more than a decade of analysis) and it’s always worth persevering, because when “the switch flips” – it stays flipped, and your whole experience of yourself and your world improves in an enduring way that’s priceless…

    …. plus even before “the switch flips” you learn a fuck ton about yourself and your patterns, and “Know thyself” is always a winning idea.

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    real student results: body + health

    selected quotes from the over-two-thousand people whose lives have already been positively changed by FORCE OF NATURE + the revolutionary practice, Existential Kink (known as “EK” for short)

    “Before FORCE OF NATURE I was experiencing serious health issues. My health has greatly improved and the health issue I worked on for this course is gone and I am experiencing more self love than I can ever remember.”

    Sam Thompson

    “This work has helped me find profound peace.”

    Holly Kiefer

    “Within the first two months of starting the course I doubled my monthly income. My anxiety has greatly diminished to the point of being life-changing. Whereas, I used to feel anxious 24-7 and have frequent panic attacks… I have felt calm, confident, and comfortable with who I am for the last couple of months.”

    Kimberly Gibbons

    This work gives me insight to be able to catch my negative patterns as they’re happening, so I can stop myself and choose to actually feel my emotions, positive or negative, and actually live my life, in the present. I lost ten pounds and now I’m better able to be comfortable in my own body.  And by that, I mean that I can feel when I need to work through some emotions, instead of instinctually eating them down.  I can feel when I am actually full instead of over-eating at every meal.  There’s nothing else comparable. There’s no dancing around the issues or anything, it’s just direct work work immediate benefits in the case of EK.  If you throw yourself in, you won’t slowly change your life, you’ll flip the whole house upside down and realize that you actually just righted it and it was upside down all along.

    Nadia Hadikin

    “I was in a pretty stable place when I began FORCE OF NATURE but I was overworked and at times overstressed. Some things were stuck, or I was thinking they’d got stuck. One huge shift happened when one of those stuck things moved very very quickly after ONE session of DFI (Deepest Fear Inventory). It was almost scary how quickly the tool helped. The emotional release after the DFI was incredible.”

    Tatiana King

    “I may have lost some weight but holy goddess, when I see myself in the mirror, I look 20 pounds lighter, my skin is glowing, my eyes are clear and bright and I’m dressing like a f-ing supermodel because I can totally pull that off. I’m spending more time with friends and making new connections as well. My typical tendency to isolate myself, especially during challenging times, seems to be lessening;  I’m not forcing it, it just flows that I make time to see people and connect. I still have areas to work on (it would be so boring not to) and as I write this I’m realizing that I’m holding out on some aspects blocking my full potential, so I can have the pleasure of kinking out on more things.”

    Dakota Keene

    “I was trapped hiding inside myself. I couldn’t keep up the vision of reaching my full potential without also sinking back into a depression. Two steps forward, two steps back. I have since found more control over parts of myself I was too afraid to see or openly admit to myself. Opportunities in career have opened up, my marriage is more harmonious than ever, I am easier on myself in ways where I used to beat myself down, I am harder on myself with things I used to see myself as too weak to do. I trust the process, and am unafraid to take control, even if it means having to let go of control to let other forces do their thing.”

    Zoey Jenkins

    “At the beginning of the course, I most wanted to learn How to Make the Pain Stop. I thought I was going to get the Answer. I was wrong. What I got was a completely new worldview and self-concept.

    “Now, I see my old enemies – pain, judgment, shame – as goofy, weird friends that stop by sometimes. When they show up and demand that I be Very Very Afraid, I just laugh and invite them to do their worst. They can posture and parade all they want. I’ll keep laughing. It turns out that robbed of the power to command fear, these old friends get bored pretty quickly and decide to go play with someone more fun.

    This new perspective has empowered me. Before, my soul knew my circumstances were painful, but I dissociated from them instead of facing them. I thought I was escaping the pain, but I was really just hiding from it – which meant it got to control me. I’ve realized that if I don’t do that, if I take a stand in and for myself, then *I* get to control me. If pain doesn’t define me, I get to define me. I can allow myself to do and want and be anything at all. Now I find myself with a sense of self, direction, and purpose that I never would have thought possible.”

    Sarah Quinn

    “My worsening of autoimmune stuff was the main thing I wanted to focus on in FORCE OF NATURE.  My concrete results: significant shift in being more at peace with things. Holding paradoxes had been a challenge for me prior to the course. I didn’t even realize how much my either/or thinking had created so much cognitive dissonance that my head regularly wanted to explode.

    “Before FON, I didn’t think the statements ‘I want to feel better’ and ‘I accept where I am’ could co-exist. My therapist had tried to make that point for some time, but with this course – it all just clicked. I really got it. I have now received concrete, additional diagnoses AND have multiple great practitioners for support (3 new ones since FORCE OF NATURE started). Reverse affirmations are incredibly freeing, and my husband is on board with all I’m doing and has even caught me when I was in a reaction formation (and he didn’t even know what that was!).”

    Tracy Loeffler

    Still Undecided?

    How to know if you’re ready to become an unstoppable Force of Nature…

    If you find yourself nodding along with any of the following, then you are in a perfect position to enroll in FORCE OF NATURE and transform your life forever in 14 weeks.

    1. You’ve been doing shadow work for months and you’re exhausted… it feels like a never-ending job that you hate. You’re ready to finally revel in all your ugly bits by using only the most powerful, easy-to-follow, life-changing integration practice.

    2. You’ve been doing Law of Attraction work for months (or even years), but haven’t attracted what you were hoping for… or perhaps you’ve manifested good things in one area of your life but have experienced utter failure in other areas.

    3. You already KNOW where your stuck & what your patterns are… but you’re unsure how to unhook yourself from the compulsive reactions that are creating all the drama.

    4. You have no problem investing 30 minutes a day as long as you know that every bit of energy you invest is a powerful and meaningful step forward in unleashing the full potency of your magic that ripples out into every corner of your life.

    5. In fact, you’re ALREADY investing time and energy doing things like saying affirmations, creating sigils, going to therapy, journaling, making offerings, and other things you keep hearing you “need” to be doing.

    Only problem is, without clear guidance from an expert magician and teacher, you’ve experienced nothing but discouraging “why the heck do I even bother” results, followed by crippling overwhelm around what to do next.

    6. You’re excited about the veils that will lift in the process of becoming the most whole, powerful version of yourself, and ready to step out of victim mode no matter how uncomfortable it is to claim your power.

    7. You truly feel that you can serve the world in a unique and powerful way, and you refuse to watch more confident people be fully seen and heard while you sit there wondering “what about me?”

    8. You don’t mind having a bit of fun – and welcome the idea of reaching enlightening with a full bank account, a hot sex life, also living in creative & magical overflow.

    So if any of the above resonates, then I can’t wait to welcome you to FORCE OF NATURE and reward your commitment with the most fun, fast, and COMPLETE self-transformation program available.

    real student results: creativity

    selected quotes from the over-two-thousand people whose lives have already been positively changed by FORCE OF NATURE + the revolutionary practice, Existential Kink (known as “EK” for short)

    My creativity was all but embalmed when this course began. Now I can feel it’s spark again. During this course, I’ve started writing and journaling for fun again, I’ve created several gardens and a painting (new outlets) and I’ve taken on some interior design projects in my home.”

    Renee Green

    “I was somewhat lost. I had taken a year off to complete my book. I ended the year no closer to finishing my book. I hit a low period where I could no longer create. I discovered that my problem was not a lack of time, it was a lack of creativity and motivation. Now with FORCE OF NATURE I am back on track. Working full time and writing full time.

    I am thrilled with the outcome of taking this course. I had the opportunity to address several layers of repression that has affected every aspect of my life. Existential Kink has been the most effective at unblocking my frozen areas.”

    Doneeta Breeden

    I was looking for ways to unblock my fears and move forward creatively. The description of Force of Nature was very potent to me, and a little dangerous; a perfect way to move through my fears — by jumping directly into the fire! I’m so glad I listened to my instinct and did it; I will be using these tools effectively the rest of my life.

    “I was feeling scared of success! During the course I took direct actions to make my creative dreams a reality. I was able to step outside of my emotions and see them more objectively, getting out of my own way in the process.”

    Linda Benskin

    This work gives me insight to be able to catch my negative patterns as they’re happening, so I can stop myself and choose to actually feel my emotions, positive or negative, and actually live my life, in the present. I lost ten pounds and now I’m better able to be comfortable in my own body.  And by that, I mean that I can feel when I need to work through some emotions, instead of instinctually eating them down.  I can feel when I am actually full instead of over-eating at every meal.  There’s nothing else comparable. There’s no dancing around the issues or anything, it’s just direct work work immediate benefits in the case of EK.  If you throw yourself in, you won’t slowly change your life, you’ll flip the whole house upside down and realize that you actually just righted it and it was upside down all along.

    Nadia Hadikin

    “I was in a pretty stable place when I began FORCE OF NATURE but I was overworked and at times overstressed. Some things were stuck, or I was thinking they’d got stuck. One huge shift happened when one of those stuck things moved very very quickly after ONE session of DFI (Deepest Fear Inventory). It was almost scary how quickly the tool helped. The emotional release after the DFI was incredible.”

    Tatiana King

    “I was feeling like there was an energetic wall between myself and my artist. When I saw the email about Force of Nature, and the opportunity to really explore Existential Kink, I immediately signed up. I had no hesitations. I really wanted to experience a shift in my creative work. I would constantly come up against numbness when I would hit on something very deep for me. EK helped me locate my anger, which I think I was trying to push down.”

    Mandy Smith

    “I may have lost some weight but holy goddess, when I see myself in the mirror, I look 20 pounds lighter, my skin is glowing, my eyes are clear and bright and I’m dressing like a f-ing supermodel because I can totally pull that off. I’m spending more time with friends and making new connections as well. My typical tendency to isolate myself, especially during challenging times, seems to be lessening;  I’m not forcing it, it just flows that I make time to see people and connect. I still have areas to work on (it would be so boring not to) and as I write this I’m realizing that I’m holding out on some aspects blocking my full potential, so I can have the pleasure of kinking out on more things.”

    Dakota Keene

    Join FORCE OF NATURE today & get…

    • The Complete FORCE OF NATURE Online Intensive Program – $1997 Value

    • Bonus 1: Existential Kink Troubleshooting Guide  – $97 Value

    • Bonus 2: Private, Members Only Facebook Group for 14 Weeks of Community + Accountability – $297 Value

    • Bonus 3: 7 Live Q&A Sessions with EK Expert Crystal Woodling for Troubleshooting & Clarity  – $997 Value

    Total Value: $3388

    When you add it all up, that’s a value of $3388

    Get Started Today

    I’m ready to give myself permission to be a Force of Nature

    enrollment closes June 23rd at midnight

    what past students are saying about FORCE OF NATURE

    selected quotes from the over-two-thousand people whose lives have already been positively changed by FORCE OF NATURE + the revolutionary practice, Existential Kink (known as “EK” for short)

    “Carolyn’s method of shadow work takes what has always been a harrowing act of bravery, shadow work, and makes it deeply pleasurable as well.  This makes me actually desire to do the work! And as such, I’ve accomplished more, integrated more, than at any earlier period of my life. Which is to say that I feel more grounded and liberated than I have since I was a child.”

    Maggie Spade

    In a year of EK work my entire life has shifted tremendously. I have more confidence, less anxiety, and more joy in life. I feel powerful, because I recognize how my desires – conscious or not – are being fulfilled every moment!”

    Sheryl Miller

    I have completely transformed with the work. It teaches your ego to STOP getting in the way, and take a humble look at yourself. It teaches you to GO with the energy, instead of butting heads against it.”

    Lola Jacobs

    “I was feeling, before taking this course, a weakness of drive and a rudderlessness in direction. Since working the course, I can feel my energy and drive coming back on-line. I am more decisive and confident than I have ever been in my life. I trust myself and the power that is attempting to move through me and my life.

    Laila Johnson

    “I liked that EK sort of shocked and upset me at first to own my shadow desires and that I ultimately found it liberatory.”

    Tracy Duncan

    “I love that Existential Kink helps me reclaim my power and inject humor into self-victimizing mental patterns.”

    Claire Chadwick

    “Shadow integration made practical and completely understandable. NO one else explains shadow integration in such a way that it makes solid sense. It can be so difficult to embrace parts of your being that you’ve been rejecting your entire life let alone see those parts. But I LOVE that Carolyn finds a way to poetically and articulately explain why it’s so important AND that she teaches HOW to do it in simple stages!”

    Akhera Unpa Shepsutera

    “Until learning about EK, I hadn’t even thought of embracing ‘icky’ feelings.  I would just sit on my pity-pot and feel like I was drowning in the muck of my life until it bored me enough to get out of it.  EK has provided me with a much deeper and more streamlined way to process and transmute unpleasantness and allowed me to give myself the permission to feel however the fuck I want to feel.  I feel more whole. I am able to be more present.  I am much less resentful and as a result, I am much stronger and able to use the voice that I have been too afraid to use. Carolyn’s lessons have been such a beautiful and refreshing slap in the face with ‘the real.’”

    Bernadette Niblo

    “Existential Kink shifts the energy of situations so quickly.”

    Michelle Dobbins

    “Carolyn is a genius. She deserves the Nobel Peace Prize. (If I say it enough times, perhaps it shall be so).”

    Rohini Walker

    enrollment closes June 23rd at midnight

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