3 Reasons why Shadow Work radicalizes your Witchcraft

    by Noël Smith-Sparrow

    To be a Witch is a radical thing. To be a Witch is to declare yourself a true bad ass. To own yourself as a Witch and delve into Witchcraft requires you to show up in this crazy world.

    It requires you to show up 100% with who you are and where you are at. To be a Witch is to embark on the journey of the soul.

    Witchcraft is akin to Soul-making; both are a life’s journey to answer the deep call of your heart and soul.

    Both Soul-making and Witchcraft require a very powerful type of honesty, willingness and acceptance of who you are. This is a very radical thing in my books.

    Shadow Work is the radical art and craft of marrying your subconscious and conscious mind.

    It is the union of your waking self (your thoughts, goals and beliefs in your day-to-day life) and shadow self (your deeply hidden, taboo and dark core-stories and beliefs).

    What makes Shadow Work so radical and necessary for Witchcraft you ask? Let us dive deep into the dark-night-of-the-soul to find out:

    Most people are unaware that they carry these toxic and false stories.

    Shadow Work shines light on these false stories.

    1. Shadow Work illuminates your own self-sabotage.

    When you start to dive deep into the black waters of your subconscious mind, you begin to uncover rather unsavoury aspects of your personality.

    It is these aspects of yourself that are deemed bad or taboo by society, family and ultimately yourself. It is these taboo aspects of your mind  that actually hold the key to incredibly powerful Witchcraft and Magic-making.

    Much of what you believe yourself to be is actually what the misguided world has told you is true.

    They are ideas given to you by others, all the way back to childhood. These ideas are like insidious seeds that take root and hold all throughout your life. They are ideas about ourselves that were implanted by a family-member, a friend, and even a forgettable classmate or neighbour.

    These ideas grow to become part of your core-stories of who you think you have to be. They are ideas that have been with you for so long, you begin to believe and take action to further prove these core-stories as right.

    I am unlovable. I am bad. I am a failure.

    These are common core-stories that most beautiful humans walk around with everyday. Unfortunately, most people are unaware of carrying these toxic and false stories.

    After all- it is the Wheel of Karma. We know not what we do.

    What the practice of Shadow Work does is shine light on these false ideas and stories. It allows the truth to be seen for what it is.

    You are able to see the clarity of cause-and-effect. You are able to see who you are not.

    Think of practicing Shadow Work as the illumination and disintegration of large spiritual blockages you have been carrying around for years, possibly decades.

    By dissolving these previously held stories, you are making spiritual space for more magic!

    2. Shadow Work turns your demons into allies.

    A very curious thing happens when you accept and own the darker aspects of yourself. The newly illuminated nasty parts of yourself start to become your greatest teachers.

    In Tantric Buddhism this is called Inviting Mara to Tea.

    Mara is considered the embodiment of illusions, falsities and the general trance-state of our reality. Instead of preparing for battle against your demons, you invite them to tea.

    When you readily accept and listen to these demons, you realize they have a wallop of insight to teach. What was once an ogre is now an ally. What was once an enemy is now a friend and tremendous Guru.

    3. Shadow Work streamlines this new abundance of energy into serious magic-making.

    Energy is inherently neutral and of infinite-potential. This applies to the internal energy you have stored away in our psyche.

    The energy that was once used to perpetuate your core stories of I am who they say I am is now free and jumping at the chance to serve you.

    You have essentially levelled-up in your magic-making potential through serious psychic investigation. Cool, right?

    All the energy you subconsciously put into sabotaging yourself is now latent and waiting to manifest your true soul’s desires. It is ready to be harnessed into amazing and beautiful spell-making.

    It has been waiting for you to finally realize the incredibly powerful Witch you have been all along.

    The practice of Shadow Work is not convenient. It is not something to be finished over a rainy afternoon. It is an ongoing process that is uncomfortable and at times painful.

    In my opinion, practicing Shadow Work is the prelude to the art of Spellcraft and Witchery. It shows that all parts of you are sacred and of infinite potential.

    It allows you to see the the lies the ego has told you are true for so long. It allows you to take charge of your life and fate.

    What a wonderful and radical thing it is to be a Witch.



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    About the Author:

    Noël Smith-Sparrow is a Visual Artist, Witch and Glitter-Unicorn. Noël is both radically honest and awkward in her artwork and life. For more information on upcoming work, services and shows visit her website. If Tantra and Witchcraft are your cups of tea, you can sign up for her newsletter by clicking the link to receive more about Alchemical- Art, Witchcraft and Tantra. Follow her on Instagram and Facebook.



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