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by Merhamet Miller


Somewhere deep within you, you remember the feeling of being deeply entombed and shrouded in a circle of fluid. You can close your eyes and hear the heartbeat of your mother within your ear, beat, beat, beat.

The rhythmic drumming of her heart with yours sounds like a perfect symphony of only percussions. Beat, beat, beat. Beat, beat, beat.

Your heart and hers beat together. Around you is love and safety, the womb. You are loved, Red does not bother you; no shade of it is unattractive. You know innately it is a powerful color.

We have been programmed to believe that the monthly menstruation cycle is taboo; smells unpleasant, must be denied, and perfumed; heavily perfumed. Commercials for brands that want to help you shed that smell, and replace it with the word “fresh” are found everywhere on the media and in drugstores.

As if the magic you were born with could be anything other than fresh and potent; close your eyes and reach back in your collective memories and remember how it felt to feel warm and safe, and one with the womb.

Blood1 ESP: Sala “Utero Materno”/ EN “Womb Room”, Corallium Spa Costa Meloneras (Gran Canaria) Image Source

Menses Magic starts slowly; you are probably not aware that in this stage you are riding Alpha waves of consciousness until you feel the pull to submerge and rest or nap. You feel the need to withdraw from the world, for solitude.Theta waves rush in and you find a quick REM pattern emerging as if you were a Shaman of old times.

Vivid colors, distinct smells greet you. It is here that you find a place that you and many others have found; the primordial womb, and it is welcoming.

You float in a pool, like all your ancestors before you, connected and yet separated, listening to the percussion of your heartbeat. Here, this is the space where you find the power of Blood Dreams.

You remember this, it was a time before time when we all knew we were bad-ass-wild women who were powerful; we roared, we defied, we were not afraid to be wicked. We gloried in our blood.

We did not hide it, we gathered its flow, marveled at its power; and let the spirits of old talk to us while we shed parts of ourselves and gave it to them.

Persephone, Macha, Sekhmet, Kali-Ma, Dark Isis…you hear them gently whisper to you, I know you do. Reach out, and accept the flowing stream of syllables that pour over you for these are your songs, your rhythm, your heart, and your magic. Receive it, never reject your gift, record it, paint it, become it.

Blood2 image source

Ways to embrace and revel in your menstrual gift:

• Wear red or shades of red during your monthly cycle.

• Keep a blood journal and take the time during that cycle to rest, float off, be receptive for visions, and write them down.

• Dedicate a red Candle to burn in your home to help you maintain your energy and empower yourself during that time of month.

• Save your blood and use it in your own magical workings whether that be sigils, divination, protection, banishings.

• Dedicate your cycle every month to a different Goddess and research and incorporate some of her qualities into your life during your menses.

• Give some of your blood to the earth, dig a hole and bury your blood in it knowing that what you bury always grows.

• Offer it to a Dark Goddess during the Dark Moon cycle to help you get rid of a habit you know does not serve your higher self.

• Empower jewelry, talismans, or magical tools with your blood.

• Tune in, Drop out, and Turn on!

About the Author:

Merhamet Miller is a prosperous bold sorceress who teaches classes about various magical subjects, Nest Coordinator for Quantum Myrrh and lives on a sustainable rabbit farm with friends and chosen family. You can catch her online at her facebook group Blood and Bone, Flesh and Stone, where she discusses and shares her interests of quirky “Occultisms”.






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