by Shantala Surya


    Getting yourself in gear to wrap the year while diving into your practice of gratitude and appreciating things is freaking stressful!

    When there’s so much chaotic energy causing opposing forces~ it can be difficult and even traumatic to focus on the positive…to dig deep into the gratitude practice. Especially when there’s a lot going wacky in your life.

    But that is the practice of magick~ the Hero’s journey means you gotta lose everything and every loving support system to step up and completely surrender. You cannot crack through the barriers or break your heart open until you let go of the resistance…the efforting…the grasping at straws. Life isn’t supposed to feel that difficult!

    Even during the most ridiculous of life occurances, when all has gone to chaos…there is to be a feeling of amused calm in the depths of your spirit~ that is the clue that you are in the energy of a Divine Being having a human experience~ enjoying all the tumultuous haphazard crazy crap that life on earth can bring!

    How does it happen though? The coming up with the feelings of pleasure…usually by conjuring up thoughts of gratitude?

    You celebrate the crazy…not in a sarcastic way; but when you feel like things are super ridiculous in your world, you state very strongly to yourself, “This is exactly what I ordered, universe!”

    GratitudeBitch1Image Source

    Pain is ineveitable but suffering is optional. So tease, cajole…make peace with and bring about harmony with exactly what you are fighting against. After all it’s your belief that is bringing about your circumstances~ so find something to laugh about it.

    The reason everything feels hard and up and down like a pendulum, is the influence of Saturn. The concept that if we wish to live well and enjoy happy lives…we need to have a path laid out and dive deeply into whether that path is truly what we want.

    “Saturn teaches that we cannot transcend a world with which we refuse to engage. In embracing the Saturnine path we come to know transcendence not as rising up and out of conditions, but journeying within them so deeply that they reveal their true nature as we live in their very midst.” (latest post on Saturn’s influence on mysticmamma)

    It’s a bunch of work! It’s called taking aligned action. A combination of your personal spiritual practices and taking steps towards manifestation.

    This is Spiritual Alchemy, my dear Mindshifters! When you build your spiritual practices it arouses your Eros; that power within you that is the fuel to your passion, drive and ambition.

    To feel inflamed by quiet warm or soothed by raging tempests by each day in all you do is the most magical way to create the play in your gratitude…and that energy is what attracts more desireable adventures into your world.

    Diving deep can be getting quiet, going into yoga or nature and using silence as a tool to tap into universal powers.

    But the process need not be so serious~ there are many spiritual practices that involve dance, music and exhilarating experiences that include good food and spirits!

    Turning within and discovering your core essence is actually great fun and rather amusing when you work with the energy of the Faeries and other Nature elements.

    My Faerie Workshop Recording is available for purchase!

    You will love this detailed intensive on diving into Practical Magick with the Fae~ establishing a relationship, negotiating workings, and tapping into the Arte of Glamour to enhance the magick in your mundane life~


    “Seriously, it’s REALLY good stuff and you’re very engaging. I am usually multitasking and doing a million different things as I listen to recordings, but I am riveted by this. And, at $50, girl, this was a steal! I hope you do it again (and charge more).”

    ~Nirmala Nataraj of Nirmala Nataraj/Sacred Fire Desire Coaching

    – Click the link for the Faerie Magick Virtual Workshop

    And I cordially invite you to join me for more Practical Magick and learning Spiritual Practices with my Virtual Class ~ open for registration now, begins in January:

    Spiritual Alchemy 8 week Virtual Workshop $150 (click link to purchase)

    About the Author:

    ShantalaWith Laughter and Love comes Magick –
    Shantala Surya is a glamorous Faery and Spiritual Alchemist. You can contact her via

    And of course check out her magickal workshops, they are very powerful and yet affordable. Treat yourself or others and come play with her!



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    • Dr. Carolyn Elliott is the founder of WITCH magazine & is known for her uncanny and uncomfortable ability to trick really smart, high-achieving magical people into doing the things that they actually want to do. She’s the teacher of life-altering online courses, including INFLUENCE, FORCE OF NATURE, MONEY, and EARTH. Carolyn is the author of the cult-favorite creativity book, Awaken Your GeniusAwaken Your Genius: A Seven-Step Guide to Uncovering Your Creativity and Manifesting Your Dreams... ... and the upcoming Existential Kink: A handbook of life-altering magic. She runs a multi-6-figure online business specializing in helping people achieve dramatic positive change in their lives through shadow integration practices and applied occult philosophy.

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