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THE TAROTCAST: Could It Be ~ You Have A Key?

Week of July 25, 2016

What was happening round about the beginning of June for you? Can you think back and remember?

This is significant because it links into this week’s reading — through the presence of the Nine of Cups, whose reappearance and changed position are both giving us a hint about what’s going on here.

On June 6, I described the Nine of Cups in the following terms:

Bring your curiosity to bear on a gift that is swirling in front of you. You might not take it entirely seriously after your Ten of Swords encounter. It might feel insubstantial. It might feel like it’s not up to the task of the moment.

“What right do I have to believe that things could be different in any way at all?”

Okay, let’s run with that: what right do you have to believe that things could be different in any way at all? What right do you have to have a meeting with Happiness?

But that’s not the question to ask here. My invitation to you is to ask this question instead:

Why do you not have the right to Happiness? You’ve sure-as-hell earned it (with an emphasis on “hell”). …

What does your heart want to do – knowing that you need nothing more than what you already have? Knowing that you, alone, are the answer you’ve been looking for?

The Nine, today, is on the left of the reading. This means that that enquiry, and your response to it, lie at the foundation — the heart — of what is happening right now.

So what is happening? What has grown out of the enquiry into a love of yourself and the right to embrace the possibility of things being different, supportive, enlisted to fill you with a kind of blessing, a benediction where you are both the giver and receiver of a current that moves through you?


What stands before you now in the Ten of Disks is something altogether more tangible.

Something so tangible that it offers you a key — quite literally — to step through the doorway and into something different.

That deceptive ‘whimsy’ of the Nine had substance to it after all, that spiral of peach, white and blue crystallising it into a landscape that has the potential to feel more present.

It is a presence, and not just a promise. It is the wish card made manifest.

This has been possible through an aspect of your personality that has been operating on your inner and outer environment. The Prince of Disks.

And if you’ve been following the Tarotcast over the past few months, you’ll know that the Prince is no stranger to the readings either, appearing twice, on May 30 (“What The Fuck Were You Thinking? How You Got Here; How You Get Out”) and June 13 (“Three Messages From The King Of Fire To Help You Turn Things Around”) — in essence, ‘sandwiching’ the Nine of Cups’ appearance on June 6.


Remember, when the Prince of Disks shows his face in the reading, he is reflecting to you your innate, focussed, and indefatigable ability to plan and bring something to fruition.

An architect who uses his considerable powers of perception and precision, and his tireless devotion to his work, the Prince of Disks may not be the most exciting party animal in the deck, but if you want something done, and done well, then he’s your man.

In those two earlier readings, the Prince brought his top-notch skills to bear on less desirable aspects — which means that you may have experienced a tendency to focus on recrimination and despair, two states of mind of which nightmares are made.

As Prince of Disks, you also probably did a damn good job of it.

Here, however, finally, he is looking at two cards that are shaping a different story: the right to joy that is both yours to create and to own.

This is not a joy that skates the surface of life, but the deep, complex joy of life itself and the revivifying feeling that underlies the resurrection of what felt lost, or which seemed to have fallen forever beyond reach.

This is not a joy that ignores the realities of life either, nor does it replace them.

It is a joy that claims its rightful place among them — as it is in the central card, the Ten of Disks.

It seems that there is an area where you are richer in resources than you may feel or know (or maybe you do know, and if so, all credit to you).

Pragmatism and a willingness to buckle down have combined with what may have felt like their polar opposite at times — a sense of something utterly impractical, light-infused, yet undeniable.

What has been forged by both of these in the pressure and heat of your experiences has been that very key that is now presented to you.

It is both the fulfilment of something in the world you inhabit, and also the threshold of a shift into something new.

Joy, as seen and held through the eyes of your inner master-planner and -realiser, hands you that key, and the pathway opens to what you can now unlock.

It’s yours — that’s the most important message of all. It really is. You have what you need; you have the key.

Now. What are you going to do with it?



About the Author:

Sarah is a tarot-teaching, tarot-reading, tarot-writing witch with a devoted interest in getting people turned on to the magical, alchemical, utterly transformative possibilities of these potent 78 cards. With a background in psychotherapy and certification as a somatic sex educator, Sarah is not only supremely interested in tarot as an art-form, but also in every client and student who comes through her virtual doors, and how they can forge their unique rhythm with the cards.
You can find Sarah at her website Integrated Tarot, and on Facebook.

Astrology Correspondences: Nine of Cups (Jupiter in Pisces), Ten of Disks (Mercury in Virgo), Prince of Disks (the airy aspect of earth)

[Cards from The Röhrig Tarot deck, created by Carl-W. Röhrig © US Games, Inc.]

Next: THE TAROTCAST: Do I detect a bit of – dare I say it – *infatuation*?
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