3 Ways your Magickal Battery is Drained and How to Recharge

    by Renée Damoiselle

    Are you a bad witch? And by that I mean, does your mundane life often take over your magickal stuff?  Do you let all that witchy stuff fall by the wayside from time to time? We all do.

    There was a time when I was conducting rituals two to three times a month, doing magick all the time, reading Tarot frequently for a period of about 2 years straight. And I felt powerful and in the groove.

    I felt like the universe was a wind at my back, pushing me along and making everything happen for me.

    Then I moved and got a new day-job and set about the tasks of setting up a new home and taking care of those everyday things.

    And – even though I set up an altar and put my crystals around the house, I just got more involved in a “normal” life. I was a bad witch. You’ve experienced that, right?

    Here are three ways that your magickal battery might be getting drained.

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    1. You’re busy!

    Doing a spell takes time and effort. And some damn days, you just want to curl up on the couch and binge watch Supernatural. You can’t seem to find the time and energy to do magick regularly.

    But magick is like a muscle… it needs workouts to remain fit and strong.

    2. You let the synchronicities and “messages from the universe” go by without acknowledging them.

    Out of habit and lack of time, your mind has become rooted in the mundane.

    So, you don’t tend to notice when you have a week’s worth of crazy dreams that may have  great significance to your path.

    I once failed to notice that I was being bombarded with snake images (that’s a significant magickal symbol!) until a real, large, live one was placed right in the path I was walking, literally! I almost stepped on it!

    You need a way to unplug from all that mundane stuff that distracts you to start to notice these things again.

    3. You neglect creative practices that feed your soul.

    You’ve stopped meditating regularly. Your dream journal’s last entry was months ago. That art project you started is just sitting there, waiting for your attention.

    What can you do to re-set and recharge?

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    1. Make a conscious decision to MAKE the time for yourself and your magick.

    Put yourself in the company of like-minded folks, who understand your struggle and who also need that communion with magick. Get back to nature and discover again all the wonderful things that the earth provides to us for our magickal workings.

    2. Begin anew, a practice of writing down and analyzing your dreams.

    Get back to a meditation practice… or begin one if you’ve not done that before. This is one of the most powerful recharging devices in existence.

    Look for and acknowledge the beautiful synchronicities that occur in your daily life. They are there. Trust me!

    3. Get back to your art. Whatever that is!

    When you are in the creative space you are in the realm of the gods. There is nothing more witchy or magickal than birthing something new into the world.

    Sometimes it takes a little jump-start to get your witch motor started again. And I have a suggestion for that jump-start. Total immersion in magickal, creative practice with like-minded folks in a beautiful place in nature.

    Join me, October 5, 6, and 7, 2018 in the beautiful Connecticut River Valley for the Storytelling Alchemy Retreat. This may be just the jumpstart you need! Details here



    If this essay resonates with you, please join our WITCH email list by using the forms on this website so we can stay in touch.


    About the Author:

    WarpWeftBioRenée Damoiselle is a Worldly Wise Crone Witch with personal ties to warrior deities. Her “raised eyebrow” style of Truth-Telling enables her clients to face the realities of their challenges and triumphs with confidence and humor (each when necessary). Renée is the Author of the forthcoming book from Red Wheel Weiser publishers entitled, Storytelling Alchemy – Write Your Own Happy Ending.  She offers divination and coaching combining Cartomancy, Reiki, Skrying, Mediumship and a healthy dose of good old common sense. She also offers many workshops and talks and facilitates spiritual retreats. Friend her on Facebook.
    Check out this site for all the details on Renee’s Retreats!
    For more about Renée, read her blog.


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