“TEN OF PENTACLES”, DRAGON ENERGY & ABUNDANCE: Tarot Forecast for December 2015

    by Stephanie Sweet

    The energy for the month of December appears greenly entwined by the dragon’s tail in the Ten of Pentacles.

    Your castle of stone will exist within the energy of a protective, lush pine tree forest, deep and quiet for as far as the eye can see. (Your home will feel harmonious, safe and protected.).

    You will soon feel the warmth and peace you have been seeking, as you willfully nestle into the dragon’s warm body. You know what you want now. Your thoughts are clear. You will feel most peaceful when you are snuggled deeply into your homestead with your family and friends.

    This month the energy will reside around material comfort, which you shall have!

    Your home will be full of harmony and you will feel the delights of seeing very clearly before your eyes that you have everything that you need; right here, right now! You have worked so damn hard to get to where you are today.

    You have been on a roller coaster ride with the energy of money and have felt its ups and downs. You now understand on a personal level what it feels like to have money, and what it feels like to have none.

    You have skimped by; you have hit bumps, roadblocks, glitches, trials, errors, hardships, and falls. You have been on a journey lined with dollar bills that blew away just as you tried to grab them…

    You have been focusing on your work and, for some of you, your own businesses, and finally this month it will all start paying off! Your financial burdens will be lessened significantly, for you will be presented the grand opportunity to be one with financial flow.

    In order to take the Universe up on this amazing offer you must be willing to relax for a moment and allow yourself to embrace and feel the awesome power of the dragon.

    Ten of Pentacles Shadowscapes Deck Stephanie SweetImage Source

    The dragon is the chaos in the Universe. The dragon lives in all of us. He is the bold force that tends to trudge through out of nowhere and just rock our worlds upside down. Surprise! Everything is different now!

    Universally, everything big that has happened to us recently has been to teach us to become one with the dragon energy in the Universe.

    To become one with dragon energy is to learn to be perfect harmony, to understand that you are the darkness as well as the light – that you are both creation and destruction and that one cannot exist without the other.

    To embrace the dragon means to accept and honor the chaos that he has brought you, to come to an understanding that it was all necessary in order to bring you to exactly where you are right this very moment.

    The financial comfort that you will feel this month is not for nothing… You have earned it! You have ridden that chaos train up and down and felt the money just come and go.

    It’s been a bit stressful at times – okay, a lot! But you just kept going, and in fact you never gave up, and therefore the Universe has gifted you in the form of deep spiritual knowledge attained by the learning of a great life lesson:

    When you just accept the chaos (or the dragon in the Universe) and stop fighting it, things tend to eventually turn out just right – more right then you ever could have imagined, actually!

    When we are one with the dragon, we understand that he is only shaking up our life (our energy) in order to steer us back onto our true soul path.

    Without the destruction of the dragon we would still be wandering, wondering where we are going. The dragon’s tail has entangled us and thrown us back down onto our heart journey… and for that we should feel thankful and show gratitude!

    _Dragon Spirit_ Oil on Canvas 50_ x 12_ 2015 Stephanie A. SweetImage Source

    This would be a great month to thank the Universe in your own special way. Thank the Universe for taking care of you, your family, your loved ones and friends.

    Thank the Universe for keeping you on track and making sure that you always got back up! Thank the dragon for his guidance and enjoy your wonderful home during this holiday month.

    Feel the love. You are taken care of, and damnit, you deserve it!

    You have finally learned to just let go.

    About the Author:

    StephSweetStephanie Sweet is a professional Tarot card reader as well as an artist, currently residing in sunny New Mexico, USA. She has been reading the cards for over 20 years now, and got her first deck as a girl. Tarot is a passion and obsession for her. Reading the cards for others is her Life Calling, her True Soul Path. She performs live in-person readings as well as phone, Skype, and Email. Sweet strives to empower her clients to bring a sense of energetic balance and harmony into their existence.

    Stephanie would love to connect. You can find her at: Stephanie Sweet Tarot, Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn. Please feel free to email her with any questions, comments, or thougts in relation to the Tarot and the Universe as energy.



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    • Dr. Carolyn Elliott is the founder of WITCH magazine & is known for her uncanny and uncomfortable ability to trick really smart, high-achieving magical people into doing the things that they actually want to do. She’s the teacher of life-altering online courses, including INFLUENCE, FORCE OF NATURE, MONEY, and EARTH. Carolyn is the author of the cult-favorite creativity book, Awaken Your GeniusAwaken Your Genius: A Seven-Step Guide to Uncovering Your Creativity and Manifesting Your Dreams... ... and the upcoming Existential Kink: A handbook of life-altering magic. She runs a multi-6-figure online business specializing in helping people achieve dramatic positive change in their lives through shadow integration practices and applied occult philosophy.

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