by Stephanie Sweet

    In the last Universal Tarot Card post I pulled The Tower card. The energy of The Tower was a bit intense for most people. This card was all about the Universe basically forcing all of us to let go of the unnecessary baggage that we had refused to let go of.

    It was about a time of universal energy as a “tower burning to the ground as an intense, destructive fire with no mercy.”

    As I reread the last post on The Tower, there was one bit that really stood out to me:
    “After all the craziness, I promise you that the light will shine bright and you will see that all the giving up of your baggage will all be worth it. You will feel lighter, free… You will feel like you can walk on water.”

    The part that really struck me was the statement, “You will feel like you can walk on water.”

    So why am I bringing up this past reading? Well, for the month of November I pulled, for all of us in the entire vast Universe…drum roll please…

    The King of Cups.

    Take a look at the image of the King of Cups:

    NovTarotImage Source
    What did you notice in relation to the statement, “You will feel like you can walk on water”?

    Take another look…

    The King may not be “walking on water,” but he sure as shit is floating on water. Now that, my friends is a clear example of the intuitive power of these cards. The Tarot is a perfect tool for picking up on the energy of the Universe.

    So what does this month’s card mean?

    The King of Cups is all about feelings. As he sits upon his throne, floating atop the intensely flowing, unstoppable water… he appears… calm as can be.

    It appears as if nothing will faze him. He is stable. He is wise.

    He is a master of his own true feelings. He is master of the nature element of water, just floating gracefully atop it, almost as if he possesses the glorious ability to walk on water.

    In this card I see that the energy of November will be just gushing with ooey gooey emotions.

    We will be feeling all kinds of feelings. They will feel as if they are flowing through us, one after the other.

    In and out and out and in. So I see that just in time for the holidays we, as universal energy, will be very much in touch with our true and honest feelings.

    You see, although there are feelings involved, the most important and amazing gift that the King of Cups will bestow upon us this month is the gift of balance and control.  And what a gift that is. I mean, I don’t know about all of you, but after the card of The Tower, an onslaught of feelings sounds, in all honesty, just a bit tiring…

    Well, you can thank your lucky stars, people, because this month, although I see lots and lots of flowing water (emotions), which at first glance may seem a bit uneasy, you can rest assured because this kind of water is the good stuff, the juicy center of your favorite candy (coconut… mmm…).

    It’s all about the confident possession of emotional control and balance.

    I see that it will be in our best interest to utilize the month of November, like the wise King of Cups; to cut to the heart of all matters in order to see our truths.

    Let’s face it. Life has been a bit strange for most of us, thanks to the recent energy of The Tower, and there have been lots of adjustments, transformations, and transitions in the air for all of us.

    Well, enough with all the craziness, people.

    Let’s just move along… This month is a time of knowing – knowing the truth. It is a time of clear vision, clear sight. You know the answers. You have thought about it enough. You have analyzed it all to death. You know the whys. You know the hows. You know how you really feel.

    November is a time to own your truth. It is time to accept and become one with your true feelings. Be okay with how you feel… Be okay with who you are.

    As the feelings arise, just let them flow as if they are peaceful beams of lilac-scented, glistening energy. Feel comfortable, allowing yourself to feel as if you can walk on water. You are safe. Your feelings are not the enemy; they are working most kindly in your favor at this time. Listen and trust them.

    They are the answers. Accept them as an embodiment of you; a you that is stable and serene as the King of Cups on your throne, floating gracefully upon water. Nothing fazes you.

    Now is a good time to begin to MANIFEST YOUR DREAMS.


    About the Author:

    StephSweetStephanie Sweet is a professional Tarot card reader as well as an artist, currently residing in sunny New Mexico, USA. She has been reading the cards for over 20 years now, and got her first deck as a girl. Tarot is a passion and obsession for her. Reading the cards for others is her Life Calling, her True Soul Path. She performs live in-person readings as well as phone, Skype, and Email. Sweet strives to empower her clients to bring a sense of energetic balance and harmony into their existence.

    Stephanie would love to connect. You can find her at: Stephanie Sweet Tarot, Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn. Please feel free to email her with any questions, comments, or thougts in relation to the Tarot and the Universe as energy.



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    • Dr. Carolyn Elliott is the founder of WITCH magazine & is known for her uncanny and uncomfortable ability to trick really smart, high-achieving magical people into doing the things that they actually want to do. She’s the teacher of life-altering online courses, including INFLUENCE, FORCE OF NATURE, MONEY, and EARTH. Carolyn is the author of the cult-favorite creativity book, Awaken Your GeniusAwaken Your Genius: A Seven-Step Guide to Uncovering Your Creativity and Manifesting Your Dreams... ... and the upcoming Existential Kink: A handbook of life-altering magic. She runs a multi-6-figure online business specializing in helping people achieve dramatic positive change in their lives through shadow integration practices and applied occult philosophy.

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