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Some folks are confused. They seem to think that when we talk about “BAD WITCHES” we’re talking about people who are lousy at being witches, or who are evil.

Um, no.

BAD WITCH is a play on the pop culture term bad bitch. Bad as in “bad-ass” not “bad” as in “awful.”

The opposite of a bad bitch is not a good bitch – but a basic bitch.

What exactly is a basic bitch?

It’s someone who strives to be trendy in a very boring kind of way. Essentially, it’s someone who’s hiding from their own power and individuality by adopting the most cliche and conventional signifiers available.

Concerned that you might know someone who’s basic?

It’s a valid concern. You very well might.

We started BAD WITCHES in part because we were dead tired of reading publications geared towards women, including “spiritual” or “magical” publications that were fucking BASIC as hell.

What’s a basic witch?

A basic witch is someone who wants to be known as “spiritual” or “magical” but who hasn’t developed her own backbone yet. Just like with regular basic bitches, a basic witch is mainly concerned with fitting in and looking good and hiding her own true sexual and intuitive power behind either:

1) an overly timid / self-righteous concern with tradition and do-gooding

2) lots of exotic-sounding words and strange costumes but no actual original ideas or experience

3) a big fat victim story about how the world is so hard and she can’t get what she wants


(Rihanna, one of the baddest bitches / witches alive on earth at present


Things commonly beloved by basic witches include:

talking about how money is just “green energy” and spiritually by-passing real economic and political issues

practicing over-indulgent care-taking and handholding and calling it “compassion”

sharing pastel memes on Facebook

saying “yoni” instead of “pussy” because “pussy” has an actual charge when you say it

staying stuck in poverty because business and sales are tainted and scary

routinely abusing substances like alcohol and weed rather than dealing with life directly

having plenty of airy ideals that they’re unwilling to put their whole gut and sex into


So what does it mean to be a bad witch? Well, of course you can check out 10 SIGNS YOU’RE A BAD WITCH – but in brief, bad witches are fiercely intelligent, original, sexually empowered and unconcerned with what other people think. Their magic is about pragmatic results and not about fitting in with the New Age or the goth crowd.  They’re people who have a natural gift for witchery and who work on developing their powers.

Bad witches aren’t led by trends or external rules but rather by their own inner authority – their genius, in other words. This often means that they’re stylish, dangerous to the status quo, brilliant and competent.

In other words, very very BAD.

image: Bad Bitch from Texas cover by Trill Kosby

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