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How to Design Your Logo as a Powerful Magical Spell

by Trista Dedmon

The logo design for your business has tremendous power to move probabilities in the Universe toward your entrepreneurial success.

It is a statement of your essence, a sign post for others of like mind to recognize you in the sea of sameness that is the internet. Creating a symbol of great potency that signals your intention is the very definition of working with magic.

Make no doubt about it: your logo is a magical spell.

A magic spell has the same design elements of a logo like color and symbolism, but these are just elements when observed on their own.

What makes a spell effective is the intention and imagination of the practitioner behind it. The ability to visualize an outcome as if it is currently real, as well as feel into the vibration of this is the secret of getting magic to work for you.

The design of your logo requires many of the same elements as a magic spell to create it.

The combined intention of both you, the business owner, and the designer helping you is influential to the success of your venture.

Each step of the process and each element must be carefully crafted to send the most benevolent message to the Universe, as well as your potential clients!

Now, you might be wondering how this all comes together. We’ll take a look at each of these elements and how they can be applied to your logo below.


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All magic spells begin with an intention. Setting an intention creates a pattern in the field of consciousness of what you choose for your life, and moves the probabilities toward this intended outcome.

You effectively imprint your outer world with the choices you make from your inner world.

A note: It is best that your intentions be benevolent and positive in approach and tone. Being greedy or manipulative is not welcome in the Universe, and can be met with dire consequences.

To set an intention for your livelihood follow these steps:

  1. Close your eyes and meditate for a few minutes, breathing in and out for counts of 3 until you are in a calm, fluid state of being.
  2. When your conscious ego-mind is out of the way, envision the results you want for your business in a year or 2 year’s time. What are you doing on a daily basis? Who are you working with? What surrounds you? Where are you? And most importantly: How does it feel? Fulfilling? Joyful? Serene? Accomplished? Secure?
  3. Let all these visuals swirl in your head until you resonate with this frequency as if it is presently true.
  4. Now that your vision for the future is clear and you can feel it in your heart as reality, come back and write down the scenario on a piece of paper using positive tones in the present tense. Free write as long as you like, describing every detail.
  5. From this story, choose one sentence that will serve as your intention and write this on a slip of paper. Structure it like the following examples, or feel free to use your own format, as long as you don’t use any negative connotations (i.e. I don’t have money problems).


I make a living by creating beautiful furniture in my home studio for a high-end clientele.

I enjoy material success from traveling to foreign lands and sharing my experiences online.

I work with open-hearted women to heal their pain and empower them for a new life.

Don’t share your intention sentence with anyone, not even your partner or closest friend.

Repeat it to yourself when you wake up and again before you fall asleep everyday. This imprints it onto your subconscious which moves the probabilities in your favor.

Now that you have your intention set and written down, let’s choose the design elements that will manifest it into reality.


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In occult practice, symbols are the most effective language to communicate your desires.

Sigils are the most popular form of this, where the vowels and repeating letters are removed from your intention, and an abstract symbol is created from the remaining letters.

Symbols cut through our conscious mind and deliver messages to the Universe that words simply cannot communicate.

Symbols are used in logos because they draw on ancient and timeless psychological meanings to us as humans at a subconscious level. Sometimes they are literal to the business and other times abstract.

Over time, a company’s logo can be so powerful as to just use the symbol because of the collective message it has communicated to the public. Think the Apple icon or the Nike swoosh.

The symbol you choose to use in your logo will speak louder than words ever can.


For the feeling of swift, forward movement, try using arrows directed upward on the diagonal.

For an outdoor or rugged feel, use mountains or evergreen tree silhouettes.

For lighthearted decorating company, try a circular wreath of florals.


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In magical practice, color is one of the most potent tools in the toolbox. Each color has it’s own frequency vibration that amplify and support your intent.

Color is a powerful tool because it has the ability to cut past our conscious minds and invoke emotions we aren’t aware of.

Corporations know this full well and utilize this magic on us everyday. Think the calming blue of most airlines or the vibrant hunger-inducing red of that huge fast food chain.

You also have the power to use this magic with your own business to move the probabilistic pathways toward your desired outcome.

Choosing a color or two for your logo takes time and careful consideration. Each color sends subliminal messages to your audience about who you are and what kind of experience they can anticipate when they work with you.


Want to invoke a feeling of seriousness and sophistication? Off-black and charcoal gray are your best bet.

Going for uplifting, cheery, and playful? Try yellows and light blues.

Want people to know you are grounded and organic in your approach? Try greens and browns.


image: Author’s own

As stated above, magic is dependent on symbols to carry our intentions to fruition, and type is a very important version of this symbolism.

Language itself is a system of symbols that conveys ineffable qualities of existence that are difficult to put into concrete terms.

Fonts are the artistic representation of letters, have the same evocative powers as color, and require careful planning when choosing the right one for your business.

When you consider the font choice for your logo, remember it will transmit the vibration of your intention in an instant.


If your intention is to be light, airy, and elegant, look at sophisticated script fonts.

If you want to convey stability and reliability, look at traditional serif fonts.

If you intend to break the mold and be super modern, look for all caps versions of sans-serif fonts.

By applying the esoteric tools of a magical spell to your logo design, you create a powerful symbol that can ensure the benevolent manifestation of your livelihood. When you visually signal your intention to the Universe, you’ll be amazed at how things start clicking into place to bring you exactly what you desire!



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About the Author:

Trista is a digital designer and practicing mystic who has a revolutionary approach to entrepreneurship, and envisions a future where everyone makes a prosperous living according to their inherent purpose. She collaborates with visionary entrepreneurs through the magical art of her Elemental Branding process that sets an intention for prosperous outcomes by blending their vision with her intuitive and elegant execution. She also offers illuminating Astrology and Tarot readings, as well as discusses methods for gaining personal sovereignty in transitional times on her podcast, Liberate Your Self.


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