When I was nineteen I read Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill. This was around the time Oprah was featuring The Secret and helping spawn the “Law of Attraction” philosophy which was fed by books like Think and Grow Rich.
There’s one chapter in Think and Grow Rich that rarely is spoken about called “The Mystery of Sex Transmutation” that states:
The emotion of sex contains the secret of creative ability.
When harnessed, and redirected along other lines, this motivating force maintains all of its attributes of keenness of imagination, courage, etc., which may be used as powerful creative forces in literature, art, or in any other profession or calling, including, of course, the accumulation of riches.
~Think and Grow Rich (Napoleon Hill)
I didn’t really understand how one could transmute sex, so I tried everything else in the book, namely a “positive mental attitude,” and I got beginner’s luck results; An acquaintance I had a crush on became my girlfriend, I acquired a motorcycle that I previously thought I couldn’t afford, and I got the idea for my first book – a how to manual for college kids to learn public speaking.
Over the next few years I would try materializing different intentions but found mixed success. Since the results were so inconsistent, I assumed “The Law of Attraction” was a hoax. Either that or I was missing something.
Many years later I started studying mindful sexuality. I was just focused on improving my sex life but similar synchronicities were happening again.
Random strangers seemed to be attracted to me, I landed an overpaying corporate client, and I started writing poetry for the first time in a decade. I decided to revisit Think and Grow Rich, specifically “The Mystery of Sex Transmutation” and see if I could figure anything else out.
Nature rewards the “sexed”
Fortunate, indeed, is the person who has discovered how to give sex emotion an outlet through some form of creative effort, for [s]he has, by that discovery, lifted him[/her]self to the status of a genius.
~Think and Grow Rich
Sex is Nature’s creative agenda. Nature has designed sexual life forms to be rewarded for furthering Nature’s agenda of creating more life with pleasure, health, and satisfaction.
In essence, if you further Life, you get more Life.
In Sex Transmutation we’re not trying to make babies per se. We’re taking the impulse to procreate and using it to create in other ways.
Nature/Life/The Universe does not care how we create, but insists that we do. Artists and entrepreneurs poetically refer making their work as “giving birth” because it gives an intrinsic reward which we call “satisfaction” (more energy).
By transmuting sex energy you’re basically telling the Universe, “hey I’m not going to make a child this time, but trust me I’m going to spend it well.” And if you’re a good investment, Nature will give you more energy to spend.
Think and Grow Rich roughly covers why Sex Transmutation works. For the how, we need to understand what “energy” is.

Energy = Feeling
When we talk about “energy” in a subjective sense, we really mean that we feel something.
When we say “Ms. Peacock has great energy” we really mean “I feel great when I interact with Ms. Peacock”. When we say “there is bad energy in the Study” we really mean “I feel bad when I enter the Study.” (I played a lot of Clue as a child.)
Sex energy, therefore, is any feeling we associate with sex. Arousal, pleasure, and anticipation are the big ones.
In Sex Transmutation we convert the feelings of sex into other usable feelings. This means being willing to feel a lot, and feel in different ways.
Feelings come in 3 different forms:
When we have a feeling our body, our reptilian brain is registering that energy as sensation.
When someone “hurts our feelings”, our paleomammalian brain (limbic system) is registering that energy as emotion.
When we have a feeling that we need to do something, our neocortex is registering that energy as intuition.
Sensation, emotion, and intuition are three forms in which we as incarnate beings perceive energy. Though the language varies, it’s a fairly universal concept found in many different models including Chinese medicine, ayurveda, western alchemy, and even Michael Chekhov’s acting technique.
Transmutation is the process of changing a “lower” form of energy into a “higher” form.
We start with sensation because it’s the most concrete and densest form of energy. As opposed to emotion or intuition, sensation is the only form of energy that can be located in your physical body.
We all know of an individual beaming with creative energy who seems unable to materialize his/her intentions. Chances are that person’s energy stays too volatile and abstract, therefore has trouble grounding in reality. (Such a person can benefit a lot from simple having sex to return to his/her body.)
Sex has a large potential for a high amount of pleasurable sensation and therefore is one of the best places to collect “raw energy.”
In practicing sex transmutation, our only “goal” in sex is to cultivate as much sensation as possible. This means not being attached to results and focusing keen attention on what allows us to feel more. We must become curious about sensation and see how we can maximize pleasure.
Of course there’s a reason most of the world avoids feeling too much…
Unpotentiated sensation will corrupt if not used for creation
[T]he major reason why the majority of men who succeed do not begin to do so before the age of forty to fifty, is their tendency to DISSIPATE their energies through over indulgence in physical expression of the emotion of sex. The majority of men never learn that the urge of sex has other possibilities, which far transcend in importance, that of mere physical expression.
~Think and Grow Rich
Our bodies are limited in space (or by space?), and like any spatial container, they have a limit. As we fill our bodies with sensation we must stay conscious of our limit one of the following will happen:
- We discharge (climax, cry, or create drama) – Many forms of discharge can be healthy and satisfying when intentional. But if you find yourself manifesting drama, ask yourself “Am I self-sabotaging what I really want because the sensation is too high?”
- We numb out (sensory/substance indulgence, lose consciousness) – Overeating, oversleeping, overdrinking, over-tv-watching, and over-anything can typically be blamed on the person feeling too much. If you get to the point of consuming something without consciously feeling pleasure, then by definition you are numbing out.
- We control (shame, mechanical actions) – This often manifests as going after things that we think we should do rather than want to do. Controlling actions are typically rooted in shame. We disapprove of feelings (energy) in ourselves and others in order to cut off the flow. If you ever have thoughts starting with “You’re too…” or discount your desires, then you may be numbing out.

A major skill within sex transmutation is grounding, or stabilizing the energy in your body. Grounding allows one handle more sensation (i.e. feel more in your body without climaxing).
(Grounding is its own skill which perhaps needs its own article. If you have no idea “how to be stable” try this: pay attention to gravity. Keep paying attention till it’s hard to have frantic thoughts.)
So we’ve cultivated sensation and are holding in it our bodies. How do we actually transmute?
Love is the keystone of transmutation
Highly sexed people always have a plentiful supply of magnetism. Through cultivation and understanding, this vital force may be drawn upon and used to great advantage in the relationships between people.
~Think and Grow Rich
By way of physical anatomy, the heart lives right between the sex organs and the brain. (And the limbic system is conveniently in between the reptilian brain and the neocortex). For energy to flow from Body to Mind it must pass through Heart.
An “open” heart means being willing to feel the emotion of love.
Everyone knows that sex allowing love is very different than sex blocking love. I phrase it that way, because one does not need to be in love, in fact the love I refer to isn’t as much romantic as universal.

For someone with a closed heart, the energy doesn’t go beyond the body and therefore will force the person to discharge, numb, or control. If you’ve ever had sex with closed heart (be honest) you may have noticed an empty or resentful feeling followed. This is because the energy couldn’t move and became rancid.
For someone with an open heart, eros (lust) will naturally flow into agape (love of all things). When sensation reaches its peak, the natural progression is to “flow up” or become less dense. If you’ve ever had sex with an “open heart” you may have noticed afterwards you saw the world more poetically, were more attentive of ideas and creative associations, and appreciative of everything the way it is – the acceptance and appreciation of all things is exactly the love I’m talking about.
Catherine MacCoun in On Becoming the Alchemist says that the Philosopher’s Stone is actually our hearts. Love is the keystone that allows energy to expand.
Transmutation cannot be forced. One cannot command their hard cock or wet pussy to give them a million dollar idea. One can only feel pleasure and be open to possibility. From there intentions materialize as effortlessly as water evaporating.
Transmuted energy can feed any pursuit
So we can feel a lot of pleasure, hold it, and love it into creativity. Now what?
Well that’s completely up to you.
Simply being charged up in this way has it’s benefits. I know when I’m well-sexed with an open heart I get a lot more attention and interest just for being. (Carolyn Elliott will actually be teaching specifically about sex energy fascination in the free training mentioned below.) When I’m closed or blocking my energy, no one seems to notice me at all.
When transmuting sex energy in this way, ideas come in floods. I’ve had partners get annoyed that right after great sex I’ll often reach for my notebook. Sometimes the answer to a problem I’ve been working on, or my next big project will just come to me during sex. Cuddling can wait two minutes.
And sex becomes better. A lot better. We learn to connect to energy beyond just mechanical stimulation. Sex becomes a more holistic experience in the sense that it really encompasses the whole of you: body, heart, and mind.
Do you want to learn more about the procedures of transmuting sex energy?
Lead Bad Witch Carolyn Elliott is joining me on a free online training, The Mysteries of Sex Transmutation Revealed! on September 26th, 12pm PT/3pm ET. Click here sign up for free and learn to channel your sex energy to become irresistible, gain and abundance of energy, and effortlessly attract your goals and dreams.
Show Comments (2)
Thissssss is everything.
December Fields-Bryant
Wanted to also recommend The Secrets of Western Sex Magic by Frater U.D. – fantastic resource for more on the how and why this works as well as some great exercises (ironically, a lot of the book is stuff you can do alone and exercises that take you to a mental state that you can do before the beginning of any magical endeavor).
I found that this sort of working is fantastic for manifesting big changes in my life such as a move across the country.