Ever since I first announced that I’d be teaching a deep-dive course for beginners on practical magic (it’ll also be a great refresher for long-time practitioners), and told the story of how I struggled for years in frustration before I experienced a giant turn-around in my magical life — I’ve been getting lots of questions.

    Like, is it really possible for someone to have a complete, giant leap forward with their magical prowess just through taking an online course?

    How could that even be true? Don’t you need to study for years with a personal teacher in order to really grow?

    Actually, it’s true because with real practical magic, all things are possible.

    I’ve learned that if precisely the right point of influence is touched, a deep transformation can ensue very quickly, and that’s exactly what I’ll be doing with the folks in INFLUENCE.

    I learned this truth through my long years of study and experimentation, and through personally coaching hundreds of magic people.

    Effective practical magic can be learned quickly and easily, because it’s our natural inheritance.

    The only real challenge is to unlearn and delete the shame that blocks us from our in-born power.

    Throughout my often painful and lonely journey to magical prowess, I realized three key points:

    1) Shame is the greatest block to magic that there is. It’s been used for centuries upon centuries to oppress women, people of color, and queer folk of all kinds. This is no coincidence – women, people of color, and queer folk all possess powerful magics that have to be shamed and oppressed in order for alienated, consumption-driven, corporatist society to function.

    2) The greatest rise in our noticeable, practical magicalness (i.e., the ability to experience amazing synchronicity on a regular basis) happens when we drop our shame and step into our own profound inner authority.

    3) The key to wielding the power of this transformation lies in grasping the magical art of influence.

    All magic is just a matter of relationships of influence. Think about it: offerings, evocations, invocations, psychic readings, spells.  What all of these workings have in common is that they’re all efforts to either receive or exert spiritual (aetheric) or emotional (electric) influence.

    What’s practical magic?

    As I define it, practical magic is simply that gets real results in the real world: with other people, with events. In other words, practical magic is magic that doesn’t just happen in your dream life or your mind’s eye.

    Practical magic deals heavily with power, love, money, sex, and friendship.

    Don’t get me wrong – I think that non-practical magic (like simply communing with daemons in the dreamworld for the fun of it) is very cool too.

    But what can I say? I’m an old-fashioned lady from Pittsburgh and I’ve got Taurus Rising with a Capricorn Sun. I like stuff to be down-to-earth, concrete, immediately useful and applicable.

    If you decide to take INFLUENCE with me, by the end of the course you’ll have:

    • immense new freedom from shame and doubt
    • anchoring in your own inner authority
    • fruitful connections with other magical people from all over the world
    • a deep grasp of three essential practical magical techniques that show you how to have exactly what you most want, all the time (yes, I know that sounds like a crazy infomercial, but I’ve found again and again that it’s just plain true – soooooo, there it is)
    • the ability to inhabit your power and be in-tune with the powers around you

    Curious about the details? You’ll be hearing a lot more about INFLUENCE soon ;)

    Registration for INFLUENCE will open on Monday, February 8th.

    featured image: Hecate by Solitudo Aeturnus, found here.


    About the Author








    Carolyn Elliott is the editor of WITCH magazine, teacher of INFLUENCE, and a bad bitch witch with a bodhisattva vow.


    • Dr. Carolyn Elliott is the founder of WITCH magazine & is known for her uncanny and uncomfortable ability to trick really smart, high-achieving magical people into doing the things that they actually want to do. She’s the teacher of life-altering online courses, including INFLUENCE, FORCE OF NATURE, MONEY, and EARTH. Carolyn is the author of the cult-favorite creativity book, Awaken Your GeniusAwaken Your Genius: A Seven-Step Guide to Uncovering Your Creativity and Manifesting Your Dreams... ... and the upcoming Existential Kink: A handbook of life-altering magic. She runs a multi-6-figure online business specializing in helping people achieve dramatic positive change in their lives through shadow integration practices and applied occult philosophy.

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