by Claire Gallagher

    Sweating is a sacred act. And exercise is a potent method of raising energy. You build heat within the confines of a container (the body) and release it for a specific purpose. That sounds a lot like magic to me.

    Imagine the potential power unleashed by one magically-executed sweat session. Just a touch of intention and you’ve transformed your lunch hour Crossfit class into a wild and primal cosmic ceremony.

    So, it’s official. Working out is a magical rite. Now that that’s clear, here are 6 rituals of a fit witch to get your practice moving:

    1. A fit witch rages against the patriarchy.

    The fitness patriarchy, that is. A fit witch refuses to be reduced to body parts, or be fed rootless fitness quotes. The outdated paradigm doesn’t apply to her. She bends time and space.

    “Dreams don’t work unless you do.”  Mine do actually.

    “Sore today, strong tomorrow.”  Eh, maybe just sore.

    “Eat less, move more.”  Just stop.

    Hard work is one thing. Preaching imbalance is another.  A fit witch has no guru and knows no gimmicks. Her body is her highest teacher. And it identifies the fitness patriarchy within a single breath.

    2. A fit witch checks the cosmic weather.

    When you’re dealing with sweat magic, you’ve got a job to do. A fit witch doesn’t waste her time. Don’t make yourself miserable by forcing a workout under sleepy planetary energy.

    A fit witch checks the cosmic weather because working with the energy is how we get things done.

    Do a quick lunar check. What’s the basic phase of the Moon? Waxing or waning?  (A fancy witch could consult the lunar sign too.)

    One you get a beat on the general energetic climate of the month, you’ll start to feel how your gym performance waxes and wanes in response.

    A basic rule of thumb is to increase exercise intensity throughout the lunar month, peaking at the Full Moon.  Then, gradually return to a state of rest, recovery and gentle movement at the Dark and New Moon. There’s a time for every intensity under the Sun. Pun intended.

    3. A fit witch conjures her elemental strengths.

    At birth, you incarnate under a specific elemental signature. This is called constitution, or temperament, and it’s all captured in your natal chart.

    Understanding your astrological constitution will serve you for the rest of your life. It can tell you about your body’s strengths and challenges, its disease tendencies, quirks, as well as what type of diet and exercise it may be most receptive to and when.

    But there’s no good or bad constitution. And there’s no fit or un-fit elemental signature.

    Fire, Air, Earth, and Water bodies all have the potential to be ridiculously bad witch athletes. They just go about it in different ways.

    Fire bodies tend to excel in environments that are quick, intense and competitive.

    Air bodies are often found in marathon training or doing bodyweight workouts.

    Earth bodies tend to be very gifted weightlifters, but might prefer the outdoors.

    And Water bodies are typically found in a yin yoga or pole dancing class.

    A fit witch knows her elemental make-up and conjures its strengths when needed.

    4. A fit witch brings magic to the gym.

    Gym rats love their gear and gadgets. But a fit witch doesn’t need that stuff (unless it delights her, of course).

    But you definitely don’t want to leave the house without your magical tools of choice. Mantras, sigils, stones, talismans, charged jewelry—it’s all free game.

    Use your eyeliner to paint a miniature sigil on your abdomen with your latest PR goal encrypted. Put some red jasper in your sports bra, pop a quartz crystal in your water bottle and get to work! The magical creativity here is truly endless.

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    5. A fit witch asks the bad guys for help.

    Dig planetary magic? Don’t be afraid to ask the “bad guys” for help. Mars and Saturn always get a bad rap, but they’re invaluable when it comes to building a basic exercise habit.

    Saturn not only loves to support any disciplinary practice (hello, exercise), but is also the muscle builder extraordinaire.

    And Mars is all about unleashing raw power. This is a fit witch’s dream team.

    Next time you setup your altar, don’t forget about these two. Petition them for help.

    For example, ask Saturn to support your intention of exercising 3 days per week. And ask Mars to help you physically access your willpower during your HIIT class.

    Call on them to help with tasks that they innately delight in and they won’t be able to help themselves.

    Better yet, plan your most intense gym sessions on the days of the week that these planets rule.  Mars rules Tuesday and Saturn rules Saturday (naturally).  But you can read all about that here.

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    6. A fit witch knows sweating is a spell.

    And it all comes back to energy. In spell work, mindfulness is cultivated and funneled for a specific intention and then it’s let go. A fit witch knows that sweating is a spell and she makes it do her bidding.

    Adjust your workouts to mirror your spiritual work and needs. Sprints for banishing. Deadlifts for manifesting.

    The bottom line is this: strength is ceremony and sweat is ritual. It’s simply the magic of perspective.



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    About the Author:

    Claire Gallagher trains fit witches online at  She’s a Licensed Acupuncturist, Nutritionist, Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist and professional Medical Astrologer.  Visit her website and follow her on Instagram for a daily dose of Cosmic Lifestyle Medicine.


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