ASK A SEX WITCH – sex magick spell to support Standing Rock (NSFW)

    by Silky


    Dear Sex Witch,

    I’ve donated money, left a voice mail for the President, and spread the word. What else can I do to support those at Standing Rock?


    Standing with Standing Rock, in Seattle


    Dear Standing With,

    There are many ways that we can take action to support Standing Rock — financiallypolitically, and energetically. Erotic energy (or eros) is the source of all life, creativity, and passion, and is that which connects us all. You can use your erotic energy for various purposes:  to get off, to attract someone, to enhance your creativity, to practice magic.

    For this situation, I offer a spell to use your eros to amplify the prayers offered by the Indigenous People protecting Standing Rock.

    Supporting Solutions for Standing Rock


    • Small piece of cloth or fabric
    • Vessel of salt
    • Lubricant (such as coconut oil)
    • Round rock
    • Vessel of water
    • Vessel of dark liquid or oil (such as molasses)
    • Spoon
    • Money (paper or coin)
    • Candle

    1. Prepare an altar.

    This altar must be in a private, well prepared place, where it is comfortable for you to sit or lie down in front of it. Spread out a small piece of cloth upon which to set the collected objects.

    The ingredients you have gathered represent the different players in this conflict. Place them in a circle on the cloth in the following order:

    Round rock (representing the Lakota Sioux and all people who have come to support them)

    Bowl of water (representing the Missouri River and all the water, land, plants and animals that they are standing up to protect)

    Bowl of molasses (representing the oil in the ground)

    A spoon (representing the pipeline, the machinery, the police/security guards, and the people and companies associated with the pipeline)

    Dollar bill (representing all those who stand to make or lose money from this project)

    Place the candle in the middle of the circle. To the left, place a small bowl of coconut oil. To the right, place a small bowl of salt. Light the candle.


    2. Remove your clothing.

    Sit naked in front of this altar. Focus on the touch of Air against your skin.

    Feel any vulnerability. Feel any discomfort. Be present with all sensations as they mirror in some small way those experienced by those at Standing Rock.

    3. Repeat this invocation:

    “Here and now, I invoke the elemental forces to draw forth and transmute my eros, so that my pleasure may amplify the prayers of the Lakota Sioux. 

     I call upon Earth and find you in my muscle and bone. 

    I call upon Fire and find you in the heat of my sex. 

    I call upon Air and find you in my breath and moan. 

    I call upon Water and find you in my moisture and tears. 

     Earth, Fire, Air, Water — I call upon the elemental forces of which I am made and of which connect me to everything else. May this spell alter the situation at Standing Rock as much as it alters me in return.”

    4. Sprinkle a circle of salt around the objects on your altar.

    This Earth mineral symbolizes protection for all those represented on your altar.

    5. Scoop some coconut oil into the palm of your hand.

    Allow Fire to rise up in your body to melt the oil.

    Visualize the help of Fire lubricating the friction between all parties involved.

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    6. Use your oiled hands to stroke and touch your sex.

    Position your body to expose your sex to the altar. As you touch yourself, begin to focus on each of the items on the altar in order, starting with the rock.

    Feel your caring for the Sioux whose land is being impacted.

    Expand your awareness to all of the Indigenous Peoples who are there to support, as well as the non-Native protectors, journalists, and volunteers.

    As the pleasure in your body builds, allow it to flow throughout your body, as you hold in your mind, the waters, land, plants, and animals that stand to be affected by the pipeline.

    Feel the water in your own body building moisture in your mouth or genitals.

    When you have a high level of arousal throughout your body, turn your attention to the bowl of molasses or oil, and hold the image of oil in the ground in your pleasurable state.

    Thank it for all it does for us and ask for its help keeping the people, land and water safe and clean.

    Continue raising your arousal without bringing yourself to climax.

    Focus next on the spoon, and expand your awareness to include all the people who are doing their jobs approving, constructing, managing and policing the pipeline. They are not enemies or heartless tools, they are people who need love and connection to their hearts as much as we all do.

    Allow your heart to radiate enough pleasure that it can reach out and fill theirs as well.

    Stroke and touch yourself as you focus on the dollar bill and you expand your arousal to include all people who stand to make or lose money from this project.

    Hold in your heart anytime where you have allowed money to win over values like pleasure, love, or beauty in your own life. Open your heart and your legs wide to accept and love everyone involved, including yourself.

    Feel at one with Earth as your body touches itself. Feel connection to Fire as heat rises in your sex. Allow Air to flow through you as you moan or pant. Find and cherish your creation of water, in whatever form it takes: moisture, cum, tears.

    If your body wants to climax, call on the friction of Fire to bring yourself into the peak orgasmic state and offer it in honor to the Sprit World.

    Once you feel complete, allow yourself to lie flat against the floor, feeling the erotic energy from your body pour down into the earth to be distributed to where it is most needed.

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    7. Dismantle the altar.

    Remove each symbolic item in the opposite order your placed them. Hold each item at your heart, pausing to thank it.

    Hover each briefly over the candle flame to cleanse it, then set it aside. Blow out the candle.

    When all the items have been removed, combine the salt, water, coconut oil, molasses, and any ejaculate. Bury the mixture outside in the soil.

    As you move throughout your days following this spell, hold the values of the Lakota Sioux in your heart and allow them to influence your actions:  Respect, Compassion, Honesty, Generosity, Humility and Wisdom.

    Allow this experience of erotic interconnection with all beings to fuel your ongoing work for supporting indigenous sovereignty movements.


    Want more sex spells? Check out the previous spell or submit a request


    About the Author:

    silkySilky is an eclectic, ecosexual witch who studies pleasure and practices sex magic to create a more beautiful world. In addition to this “Ask a Sex Witch” column, she also writes and publishes eco-erotica. Ask the SEX WITCH for a spell of your own at


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    • Baba

      The EARTH thanks you for your magic.

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