On April 26th, there will be a New Moon in the fixed earth sign of Taurus. As with all New Moons, this represents a moment to set intentions and approach your life with newly refined emotional and intuitive energies. Often times, New Moons are complicated by a tangle of planetary influences which may be over-stimulating and stressful.
But this New Moon in Taurus, already in the most stable place in the zodiac,is making no major aspects at all. This is a welcome oasis where you can rest your weary head. Considering that Mercury is still retrograde, along with Jupiter, Saturn, and Pluto, this New Moon in Taurus represents a triumph for the wisdom of slowing down.
This New Moon’s ruler Venus is newly direct in her sign of exaltation in Pisces. With Venus still high by the beach in a languorous enchantment, expect your dreams to be as big and beautiful as they have ever been. Lay back and let your visions fill up the whole sky.
In honor of this New Moon, submit to the desire to worship the glory of nature, losing yourself in fervent prayers… Oh beautiful for spacious skies…the blossom time of spring! For all who love the light are blessed with life’s eternity.
Baby if you wanna leave
Come to California, be a freak like me, too
Screw your anonymity
Loving me is all you need to feel
Like I do
As the luminaries conjoin this month, you can imagine that the convergence of energies in Taurus will be like an a capella performance, a solo imbued with such golden warmth that it needs no accompaniment. Under this wave of Taurean influence, you will be given a moment of real repose, where your inner temple of peace and calm can be beautified and fortified.
You may use this time to enjoy the sensation of being an island unto yourself where your private joy is all the religion that’s needed. At this New Moon, time will seem to stand still.
When you perceive this protraction of time, it is a sign that you are meant to be absorbing a lot more information through your senses. It is only in slow and savoring moments that your taste for life develops. When time ceases to trample over you and instead begins melting into a slow languid dance, you have finally come into harmony with the material realm.
In the bliss of homeostasis, you dream of your life being like this forever: an eternity of desire kissed by satisfaction. Even the memories of this dream will echo throughout the rest of your life, providing a humming bass note that carries you even through times of great suffering.
If time stood still I’d take this moment
Make it last forever
So at this New Moon in Taurus, set the intention to come into harmony with the material realm, remembering all the blissful moments of your life like they were just yesterday. The climactic soul purpose of Taurus is to transform a barren wasteland into a pleasure garden. A cultivated paradise on earth represents the perfect harmony of co-creation with nature, where human needs and primal fruits converge in ecstatic bliss. Thus, within the heart of Taurean energies there is always a seed intention to fructify, beautify, and flourish.
Life makes sense when I’m with you
Looking back, my past
It all seems stranger than a stranger
Prosperity and luxury are the fruits of Taurus’ love and labor, but in order to enjoy these fruits one must have enough patience to allow them to ripen.
So let’s dance in slow motion
…And let’s dance by the ocean
Patience is a virtue and it is specifically a Taurean virtue. So in whatever area of your life where you would like to see more fecundity and success, use this New Moon in Taurus to enchant for the patience to cultivate your dreams all the way to their fruition. Envision an orchard where there is now only a seed. Take pleasure in every stage of the process of development, from the first blossoming and on unto decay.
See yourself continuously improving your ability to slow your perception of time down: turning inward, indulging in the pleasure of the senses and tending to the quiet of your inner calm.
When all else fails, remember, less words, less thoughts…more feeling.
It’s like I told you
If you stay, I’ll stay, yeah
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