Green Witch Diaries: Sage

    by Quinn K Dyer

    Know it:

    Sage is one of the most commonly used magical herbs.

    It’s used for wisdom and protection; very often in the form of a smudge stick, an essential tool for any witch. In fact, it never really feels like a ritual’s begun until you can smell the burning sage.

    Sage is also used for healing, purification, and money spells.

    Certain varieties are quite delicious in the kitchen and can be used to make tea, sage chips, and herbal butters.

    A simple way to pass on protection and luck to someone is to gift them with a sage plant.

    Grow it:

    Varieties of sage vary wildly around the world.

    These different varieties are used for vastly different purposes both culinary and medicinally; including white, clary, blue, scarlett, and black. Some of the ornamental varieties attract butterflies and bees.

    White sage is the traditional variety used by Native Americans. But it can be hard to cultivate at home.

    If you’re having trouble consider substituting garden sage which is less picky and more abundant.

    There’s something very special about growing your own plants for magical use; letting your energy intertwine with the plant’s energy. There’s nothing quite like it.

    Sage doesn’t like to be planted alone.

    It doesn’t grow well with onions or garlic, but other plants love sage and good vibes it puts out.

    Rosemary and sage do well together as they both like the sun and drier soil. Sage can easily be grown in pots, but some varieties will get bushy with enough time and space.

    Harvest leaves at midday by stripping them from the stem; prior to flowering.

    Sage is easily dried in the oven at a low setting (170°F) for about an hour. The leaves can be milled into a power or stored whole in an airtight container.

    image source

    Use it:

    Even though I can never get wrapped them as nicely as the store bought ones, it’s pretty simple to create your own smudge stick.

    You can use sage along with other herbs like lavender, rosemary, mugwort, sweetgrass, etc. There are a lot of possibilities!

    Start by tying the stems of your herbs together and wrapping tightly downwards; preferably using a natural, undyed cordage. Once you reach the end, wrap back toward the other end.

    Criss-cross your string as you wrap back the other way and tie it off at the end. I’ll then slip the new smudge stick into the oven to speed up drying times; never over 170°F.

    The smoke from sage is extremely powerful. Smudging is probably the most common use for sage; the smoke carries negative energies with it as it disperses.

    Sage aids in lifting the veil; burn with mugwort and catnip in a fire (or make a smudge stick) at Samhain to grant the wisdom of the Crone.

    Burn and breathe in sage smoke to enhance psychic abilities. Or burn it at funerals for remembrance and emotional healing; it can restore a weary spirit.

    Write on the leaves to burn and release desires into the universe. The smoke can be used to cleanse ritual tools, such as crystals and mirrors.

    Before a ritual, use sage in a purification and protection bath with rosemary and lavender. This couples well with Epsom salts which are also purifying.

    Garden sage tea can be used as a mouthwash in combination with sea salt to cleanse and heal sore throats and mouth sores.

    It’s a natural antiseptic. The tea is also good for digestive issues like heartburn.



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    About the Author:

    Quinn K. Dyer is a native of Philadelphia, born under Gemini, a witch and a wanderer. She currently spends her time writing and creating art. Check out her website and Instagram.



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