by Quinn K Dyer

    Know it:

    Lavender relaxes the mind and body; the perfect addition to a bath or a meditation ritual.

    Just seeing and smelling the plant can put one’s mind at ease. It’s the perfect de-stressor.

    An immensely versatile herb, lavender has many medicinal properties as well.

    It’s been used to cure headaches, relieve cramps, and clean wounds.

    Lavender can be used to encourage love and it’s said to be a potent aphrodisiac. But while some people are totally into it, others are repulsed instead.

    Grow it:

    Lavender loves the sun and heat, but needs space to grow. It can get enormous, but it can do well in containers.

    Though it doesn’t mind frequent waterings, lavender’s roots don’t like to stay wet. Use well draining soil.

    It’s super fragrant flowers are great for attracting bees.

    Lavender can bloom all summer into fall. The best time to harvest blooms are when the buds just begin to open; before full bloom.

    The flowers are the most potent part of the plant, but the leaves and stem produce the same effect.

    All varieties can be used for their oils though some are more potent than others.

    Use it:

    Lavender has been superstar in the beauty industry for centuries. It’s been touted for its anti-inflammatory properties and acne fighting abilities.

    The root of the word lavender itself comes from the latin word “to wash”.

    Mugwort, chamomile, and lavender that are grown at home can be put to good use this way.

    However there are always allergy risks when using new herbs, so be careful!

    Always test in small amounts and if you have a bad reaction to the plant before harvesting, then don’t use it!

    Don’t be discouraged if allergies prevent you from using a certain plant. Even the greenest witches aren’t in tune with every plant.

    Soaking in a bath of chamomile and lavender banishes anxiety.

    A few sprigs of thyme, rosemary, and lavender eases joint pain and body aches.

    For an extra potent soak, combine the herbs with a cup of Epsom salts. They help purify toxins from the body. Be wary of added fragrances when buying Epsom salts.

    Climb into a pre-ritual bath with mugwort, chamomile, and catnip for protection and to induce visions and cosmic “remembering”.

    Divination and dreamwork are super-charged during the new and full moons; especially a Gemini or Pisces moon. Lavender responds very well to those signs.

    Lavender works beautifully in infusions and it’s a great way to store it. My favorite for lavender is a honey infusion.

    Honey alone has amazing healing and magical properties. Lavender honey is particularly potent for magical use.

    Honey is used for binding spells, spells involving love and lust, bringing people together, fertility, and ‘sweetening’ attitudes in general.

    To create an infusion, place dried herbs in the bottom of a mason jar.

    Fresh herbs can cause mold and bacteria to form and compromise safety, although they produce better results.

    Herbs can be chopped or whole. Chopped herbs will infuse into the honey more quickly, but are harder to strain out. Whole springs are easy to strain and look pretty too.

    Always try to use raw, local honey. The darker the honey, the more potent its properties, but for infusions a lighter honey is best.

    Cover herbs with honey; you’ll want to use 1-2 tablespoons of herbs per cup of honey. Seal and store in a dark, dry place.

    Shake daily, or as much as needed to keep herbs coasted as they may float to the top. Let sit until desire taste is achieved (2-3 weeks) and strain out remaining plant matter.

    Lavender Basil Binding and Bonding Honey Jar: To create a honey jar binding spell push a slip of paper into a jar of honey along with a sprig of lavender and 3 basil leaves. On that slip of paper write the name of the person you wish to bind to yourself. Lick your fingers clean and visualize the person.

    Lavender Honey Hair Mask: For dry hair. Heat honey in microwave. It should be warm, but not hot! Massage into hair. Use enough to drench hair and wrap in a towel. Leave on for 30+ minutes. Super dry hair may absorb quite a bit. Wash hair normally afterwards.



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    About the Author:

    Quinn K. Dyer is a native of Philadelphia, born under Gemini, a witch and a wanderer. She currently spends her time writing and creating art. Check out her website and Instagram.




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