Como puede ser verdad?


    Mercury Retrogrades inspire a deep communion with the past, beckoning you to reflect on things long forgotten.

    For these three-week interludes, you are afforded the opportunity to waste less energy on envisioning the future in favor of full immersion into the rich materia of Memory.

    Now with a Mercury Retrograde in a sign as sensual and embodied as Taurus, this period should feel like a retreat into some dreams that are worth lingering on.

    Tropical the island breeze
    All of nature wild and free
    This is where I long to be
    La isla bonita

    Mercury will station retrograde from April 29th to May 22nd, 2016 traveling between 23º and 14º Taurus. Amidst this season of retrograde planets, you may be worried about the stagnation of your best laid plans or the reversal of your previous good fortune.

    Despite all the rumours you have heard about imminent chaos, the truth is that when five planets are in retrograde at the same time, you are being given a unique opportunity to strengthen your patience and perseverance.

    This is where I long to be
    La isla bonita

    Now, if you have been reading about this Mercury Retrograde in particular, you are probably aware of the general consensus that believes that this period will usher in many negative issues regarding money. The most basic interpretation for Taureanenergies does of course include the subject of personal finances.

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    However, considering the high level of hysteria that already arises during Mercury Retrogrades, adding fears about money into the mix seems woefully imprudent.

    Instead, consider this retrograde to be a time when your relationship to self-worth will have an opportunity to wisen up and mature. Self-worth starts with how well you remember yourself.

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    Madonna in La Isla Bonita


    The extra time that Mercury spends in Taurus this year may actually offer you some practical insight into how you can better enjoy the richness that life already affords you.

    This re-evaluation of your current relationships, resources, and health will brighten considerably as Mercury conjuncts Venus in Taurus on May 13th-14th.

    I want to be where the sun warms the sky
    When it’s time for siesta you can watch them go by
    Beautiful faces, no cares in this world


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    If you really want to get in touch with what Mercury Retrograde in Taurus has to teach, find a serene moment of beauty every single day and ask yourself, “How did I ever become so wealthy?” Ask this question with genuine incredulity, feeling overjoyed by what you are able to perceive in response.

    Tropical the island breeze
    All of nature wild and free

    With a slower, more contemplative mind, the sensual pleasures of life will emerge as much more vivid and pronounced. Likewise, with Venus also transiting Taurus, her influence will drape the harder edges of pragmatic realism with rich flowing colors and ornamental delights.

    And when the samba played
    The sun would set so high
    Ring through my ears and sting my eyes
    Your Spanish lullaby

    Your daily acknowledgement of beauty can be inspired by anything at all: good conversation, the fragrance of honeysuckles, or the warmth of the sun on your face. However vast or subtle your serene pleasures may be, your deliberate enjoyment of the beauty in the world every day is the secret to experiencing life through Taurean wisdom.

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    I want to be where the sun warms the sky
    When it’s time for siesta you can watch them go by
    Beautiful faces, no cares in this world
    Where a girl loves a boy, and a boy loves a girl

    Taurus is a fixed Earth sign (ruled by Venus) and is associated with luxurious enjoyment and the patient accruement of wealth.Though Taurus is not as quick as Mercury often prefers to be, its energy is still quite productive since it is grounded in biological rhythms.

    These rhythms bear the innate patience to wait for flowers to bloom, for fruits to ripen, and for true love to develop and mature. Therefore, there is no reason to assume that the retrograde motion of Mercury in Taurus heralds any catastrophe, financial or otherwise.

    Rather, this is a time for your mental activity to cease its frantic rushing and begin to settle into a fertile and regenerative phase. Relax into this, letting your mind slow down to a leisurely pace.


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    I fell in love with San Pedro
    Warm wind carried on the sea, he called to me
    Te dijo te amo
    I prayed that the days would last
    They went so fast

    Rather than assuming that slowness means you will lose cognitive function, notice how many mental powers are greatly improved by assuming an unhurried and inquisitive mindset. How heightened are your senses? How keen are your powers of observation when you are making so many rich sensorial connections?

    Marcel Proust once reflected that “the smell and taste of things remain poised a long time, ready to remind us…the immense edifice of memory”. 

    It all seems like yesterday, not far away


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    Enjoy the feeling of being poised to make the most beautiful memories. In a retrograde season of this magnitude, the quality of reminiscence should rise to become a glimmering source of inspiration.

    In other words, you may be gifted with a profound ability to tell the story of your life, as a story, giving it the qualities of a personal myth rather than a haggard confession.

    And when the samba played
    The sun would set so high
    Ring through my ears and sting my eyes
    Your Spanish lullaby

    Weaving your past into your present experience with artful skill is the real magic behind any creation.

    Remember that according to Hesiod’s Theogony, in the ancient world both kings and poets alike received their powers of authoritative speech from their possession of Mnemosyne, Goddess of Memory, who was the Mother of the Nine Muses.

    Therefore, according to Hesiod, there is nothing inspired or creative that can happen in your consciousness without first experiencing a deep communion with the past.

    Just like I’d never gone, 

    I knew the song. . . 

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    featured image – Author’s own composition




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    The watchword for your sign is meant to serve you as guidance and inspiration.