Hi there witches, so a little while ago I wrote about signs that your witchy power is turned on and in that article I offered a sign-up form for me to call you, chat awhile, and get you more information about The TurnedON Woman Summit.

    I’m aware that the TurnedON Woman Summit is happening of course because I live in an intentional community dedicated to Orgasmic Meditation, and the Summit is being put on by OneTaste, the organization that teaches Orgasmic Meditation.

    Well. Turns out I’m having some weird problems with accessing my MailChimp account right now, and therefore I can’t get to your info in order to be able to call you to talk about it, which is kind of a bummer for me because I don’t think the official event description does the Summit total justice.

    I don’t think the official description does the Summit total justice because it doesn’t mention that some of the most powerful and scary-intense witches in the world are going to be present there – I don’t think it emphasizes how utterly, bone-shakingly transformative it can be just to be in the same room with hundreds of other super-electrical witches (i.e., witches who have been cultivating their limbic systems via Orgasmic Meditation).

    I’m passionately looking forward to The TurnedON Woman Summit because every once in awhile I just need the kind of major jolt of joy and inspiration that can only come from connecting with other magical women who have been deliberately, shamelessly cultivating their magic, magnetism, and femininity.

    Yet since the Summit is coming up at the end of February and I’ve still been scratching my head about how to fix my MailChimp issues (the techy stuff ’tis not my forte), I figured I would just post the information for you right here. I hope you’ll write in the comments section of this post and let me know if you’re going so that I can look forward to seeing you there!

    So here’s the official copy from The TurnedON Woman’s Summit Eventbrite ticket-buying page:

    Dear Woman,

    I didn’t do this because I thought it was the right thing to do. I didn’t do this to change the world. I didn’t do this to fix the economy, or politics, or the workplace. I did it because I was hungry. Hungry to create without feeling like I had to shut down the very part of me that was creative. Hungry to relate honestly, with all of me and all of you and all of him and all of them. Hungry for sex that fit my body instead of sex that I had to fit my body into.

    Along the way I discovered that I couldn’t do it alone. I needed other women. I needed men. Not in the I need you or I’ll die kind of way. Believe me I’m a survivor. But in the I need you because I want you. I need you because it sucks to do this thing alone. I need you because I know now and more and more each day how fundamentally connected we all are.

    Together, we found that we were creating change. We discovered that we are living in a time when the voice of women today is the vital missing ingredient that is just beginning to burst forth like a breath of fresh air. Women from all over the world are coming out and standing in their dauntless strength and vulnerability to say change is needed at a deep level.

    We invite you to convene with the senior female faculty of OneTaste in a weekend of unlocking and unleashing power, intuition, deep feminine knowing and wisdom, gleaned from and rooted in female sexuality.

    This three-day course includes:

    • The TurnedON Woman’s vision
    • Learn how to be a woman that leads from at least 51% desire and understands that her power lies in her surrender
    • Attract the lovers or partners you want, and sustain connections over time
    • Have your body and intuition guide your purpose
    • A demonstration of the Orgasmic Meditation practice
    • The first official OM Training for women, followed by an all-women OM Circle (TBD)
    • Interaction with Ignited Men – men trained to handle a TurnedON woman at any level.
    • And much, much more….

    And you can click here to get to the Eventbrite page itself where you can buy tickets for the Summit.

    So, might I see you there?


    image: from the OneTaste pinterest board: “Keep Your Sacred Out of My Love” – a quote from a great essay by Nicole Daedone

    • Dr. Carolyn Elliott is the founder of WITCH magazine & is known for her uncanny and uncomfortable ability to trick really smart, high-achieving magical people into doing the things that they actually want to do. She’s the teacher of life-altering online courses, including INFLUENCE, FORCE OF NATURE, MONEY, and EARTH. Carolyn is the author of the cult-favorite creativity book, Awaken Your GeniusAwaken Your Genius: A Seven-Step Guide to Uncovering Your Creativity and Manifesting Your Dreams... ... and the upcoming Existential Kink: A handbook of life-altering magic. She runs a multi-6-figure online business specializing in helping people achieve dramatic positive change in their lives through shadow integration practices and applied occult philosophy.

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