Beauty is an Essential Devotional Practice 

    by Demelza Fox

    Part of devotion to the Goddess, particularly to the Goddesses of Love and any witch working with Venus vibes is devotion to Beauty.

    Beauty is a sacred art of the Divine: and indeed great beauty brings us into the presence of the divine, it takes us to an ecstatic, sacred place.

    This is something that is really important to me, as my whole life’s work has been about creating beauty.

    In my late teens, I went to art college to learn about art and how to be a painter.

    When I left, I spent the next decade training as a dancer – dance being the most transient, in-the-moment, can’t-put-your-finger-on-it art there is.

    And I struggled with a world that didn’t seem to think of art and beauty as something important.

    In fact, as I left university in 2009, our UK government started a campaign of cuts to cripple the arts sector and even discussed removing “arty” subjects from schools. I mean, WTF.

    It’s like my skills and values were the complete opposite of what the rest of the world valued.

    I was always told, “artists don’t make money”, that life as an artist had to be hard and always a struggle.

    Beauty was not needed or appreciated.

    I felt like my skills and abilities were not worth much, and this was reflected in the way those of us committed to beauty and performance were treated: being passed over for a cheaper or free option, or treated as an extravagance.

    But then, on training to be a Sister of Avalon in Glastonbury, a Priestess Teacher pointed me to a beautiful passage by Ariel Spilsbury:

    A priestess can be looked at as: Acting from deep devotion to tending the path, lifting the lamp, holding the mirror, pooling the silence, fuelling the energetic flow, riding the current hallowing the moon, unlocking the mystery, presenting beauty…”

    And it was that last line that lead me on a journey to understand, perhaps creating Beauty IS a divine mission.

    image source

    When you look at our lives, the things that fill our hearts and souls and make us happy, that make life worth living, are the arts.

    Music. Storytelling. Dance, Art.

    Moments of great beauty connect us with the truth that exists at the base of all life.

    Things that lift us out of the rut of our everyday existence and elevate us to something more magical and beautiful.

    I now understand that one of the many arts of a Priestess of the Divine Feminine is that of Presenting Beauty – the artist, the dancer, the poet, the creator of beautiful things and spaces – and one of the most powerful ways to bring Goddess into our everyday lives is to create, honour and value beauty around us.

    And for those of us who feel our mission is to create beauty in the world, we know that our work as an agent of beauty is sacred to Her.

    In my course The Venus Working, I dive deep into this. When summoning the magic of Venus in our lives, or any goddess of Love, beauty becomes a priority and a beautiful path of connection.



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    About the Author:

    Demelza Fox is a modern day mermaid, international dancer, Venusian Devotee and a Priestess of Morgan le Fey. By day, she runs Rockstar Priestess, a priestess- and goddess spirituality-training site for wild witches and mystic mermaids, and by night she lights up stages across the land as a magnetic dancer and award winning burlesque seductress. She runs the Morgan le Fey Mystery School, dedicated to teaching the ways and secrets of Morgan le Fey through both online courses and retreats in the heart of the landscape of Avalon in Glastonbury UK. If you would like to learn more about Morgan le Fey, be a part of free online mermaid ceremonies and join Demi for more badass priestessery and venusian magic, you can join her Mermaid Coven on Facebook, or sign up to her Email List for sexy presents and delicious love letters. You can learn more about the working with Venus by clicking here.


    featured image created by the author



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