Green Witch Diaries: Thyme

    by Quinn K Dyer

    Know it:

    The scent of thyme inspires calm. Like the calm before the storm. It can help to steady nerves and invoke courage.

    Thyme inspires positivity and can make the impossible seem possible. Sometimes this is exactly what is needed in a love spell; Thyme has associations with Venus and love spells.

    Wild thyme invokes wildly passionate love.

    Thyme has both protection and money drawing aspects.

    Plant it in your garden, as it grows so will your funds. Can be used for dream spells; provides protection from nightmares.

    Folklore says that fairies make their homes in patches of wild thyme. And that blowing thyme leaves in the air will summon them.

    image source

    Grow it:

    Thyme is hard to start from seed and the sprouts are also very fragile.

    Like mint, it’s easier to start from cuttings taken from a well established plant. Take a single stem and strip the leaves except the top few.

    Place the stem in a container of water, making sure the leaves stay dry.

    Leave the container in a sunny spot and in about a week you should see new roots beginning to grow.

    In another week or so, these roots will be a couple inches long and ready for planting.

    Thyme can be used as a fragrant ground cover.

    Some varieties are more bushy, while some spread low. If you don’t want it spreading, you’ll have to prune it.

    Creeping thyme is particular, has tendrils that are pretty in containers. It grows well with sage, rosemary, strawberries, or tomatoes.

    It likes full sun and is drought tolerant. Well draining soil is a must, as thyme is susceptible to root rot.

    There are dozens of varieties of thyme: English, French, caraway, creeping, lemon, etc.

    And also like mint, thyme has a habit of hybridizing, so planting more than one variety will result in new ones!

    Most non-ornamental varieties are medicinal, including common kitchen varieties.

    Thyme is evergreen in the winter and can be harvested year round once established. Though it does go dormant in winter, it can still be harvested.

    For the best tasting thyme, harvest on a warm day, prior to flowering.

    Use it:

    Thyme can be dried with the leaves right on stem; in bunches or in the oven on a low setting. Strip the leaves before use.

    Dried thyme is handy to use as an incense or in the kitchen.

    Thyme is best used fresh for extracts and teas, but dried will do in a pinch.

    Do not use milk in thyme tea. It messes with the plant’s tannins.

    However, a honey infusion in tea works beautifully for coughs and chest congestion.

    Thyme naturally helps clear congestion; a few drops of thyme essential oils in a hot bath or a diffuser provides relief.

    Smudging with thyme can be used for a number of purposes: for protection and courage or luck and love.

    Or it can be used with rosemary for a purifying house blessing.

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    Fresh herbs, like thyme, make great additions to bath bombs too!

    I like to use bath bombs like little, premade bath spells all set to go when you need them. Just chuck ‘em into the water and you’re ready!

    And they’re so simple to make. Easy homemade bath bomb recipe:

    • 4.5 cups of baking soda
    • .5 cups Epsom salts
    • 2 cup of cornstarch
    • 2 cups citric acid
    • .5 cups fresh, chopped herbs
    • 1-3 tsp of water
    • 6 tsp coconut oil
    • 20ish drops of essential oils
    • 10 drops of natural dye (optional)

    First mix the dry ingredients thoroughly. In a separate dish, mix the wet ingredients.

    I like to use a whisk or a mixer for this; the oils and water take some work to blend together.

    Then, very, very slowly you add the wet mix to the dry.

    This must be done slowly, so the dry ingredients don’t activate.

    Otherwise, you end up with a not so fizzy bath bomb. The mixture should feel like damp sand and clump when pressed together.

    Then press the mix into your mold, let it sit for 30 seconds, and tap out. Repeat.

    Let dry overnight before you use. Store in an airtight container. This will make about a dozen depending on the mold size.



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    About the Author:

    Quinn K. Dyer is a native of Philadelphia, born under Gemini, a witch and a wanderer. She currently spends her time writing and creating art. Check out her website and Instagram.


    featured image via Canva





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